[b]"OH F- Sorry, Sorry! Let me help you up!"[/b] Haas extended his hand, feeling terrible after having knocked over Tsukiko. After he helped her up, the boy let out a heavy sigh and scratched the back of his neck... Again. [b]"Sorry for knocking you over... Uhmm,... Tsukiko right? I uh, wasn't watching my step."[/b] Tsukiko listened to Haas apologized and giggled a bit as she he let him help her get back up on her feet. She brushed herself off and smiled toward him casually, [b]"It's okay, Haas. Yes, my name is Tsukiko. Anyway, it was an accident after all. I'm more mad at the poor lodging in this place than I am with you. Took me forever to get my hair back to how I normally had it."[/b] She kind of complained at the end since her shower wasn't the most pleasant. It wasn't necessarily warm though it wasn't necessarily cold, but a lukewarm or room temperature did not please her in the slightest. She remembered that hole she put in the wall on accident earlier right after her shower was over which made her completely forget about being mad about it. [b]"Anyway."[/b] She paused for a moment as she noticed Haas was about to say something so she took a brief pause to let him finish what he wanted to say. It was the polite thing to do and her request could wait until he had finished. [b]"I guess you were planning on grabbing a bite as well?"[/b] Tsukiko heard Haas question toward her as she thought about what she did earlier. She couldn't help but think about that she may be in trouble the next day when they find out she had put a hole in the wall with her fist. Turning her attention toward Haas and paying him mind she decided now was the time to make her request toward him, [b]"Say, we are both new around here. I usually accompany my brother when I go out to eat, but Haas would you like to accompany me toward the food court? I know this is a rather bizarre request but it would be nice to have some company and at least someone to talk to. I don't have any friends outside my life and never had a chance to make any when my brother was dueling on the circuit."[/b] She paused for a moment as she did reveal the sadness she tried to veil underneath her eyes. Usually she could control those emotions inside of her from arising but sometimes they just overwhelmed her like a freight train. [b]"Kind of sad I lived a life of a lonely girl and never a normal life, huh? That is kind of my brother's fault who dragged me around to watch him duel instead of allowing me to settle somewhere and make friends..."[/b] She pondered the thought as she knew that Shinrei never wanted her to make any friends. She didn't quite understand why he was always trying to push people away from her. He wasn't around so he couldn't decide what was best for her anyway. [b]"Oh sorry, I probably bored you with my sob story, huh? Forgive me... Let's go eat something." [/b]Tsukiko apologized as she looked away with a very sad look on her face and her eyes filled full of sadness. She thought to herself as she awaited Haas response. [i]Brother... If you could be a bit like everyone else, i wouldn't feel burdened like I do...[/i] [b]"I'll be sure to tell her... glad you accepted it... she tends to get upset when people don't she's a good kid. cares about everyone even if they are cold to her or anyone else"[/b] Hayato said not paying any attention the room he entered. Shinrei looked at him when he said that then thought about his sister. She would come to him all the time with papercraft especially her paper cranes she created. Then he was reminded of that dreaded paper fan she created she carries around. He then nudged his head slightly as he came to realize that his sister only meant good toward him no matter how scary her actions were at times. [b]"To be honest."[/b] He paused for a moment as he grabbed one of the pictures that was framed on his desk of his sister and her papercraft then flipped it toward Hayato so he could see it. [b]"Your sister in ways reminds me of my own sister. She learned papercraft from my 'mother'."[/b] He paused and stressed mother a bit differently than his other words in a way that seemed like whenever he used the word bothered him a little. Hayato then proceeded to take a seat handing over the solid-vision projector casually asking, [b]"you want one? It's one of my mothers rejected products. i got a bunch of them in my bag."[/b] Shinrei sighed softly then reached over and grabbed the device after setting the photo of his sister and her paper cranes down. He took what Hayato offered him and laid it on the table right in front of him which had nothing on it other than his drink and a coaster to set it on. Shinrei signaled with his eyes that he appreciated the gesture but no words came from his mouth. It seemed he was still a bit bothered by something and the mentioning of his mother didn't seem to help the situation either. Hayato was getting straight to the point dropping his friendly voice for a more serious one after he handed Shinrei the device acknowledging his request for his name. [b]"Hayato Ray, is what you may call me, My mentor's pride and joy was his blue eyes... and I know I am not here for idle chit-chat, what was it that you couldn't say in front of everyone else?"[/b] Shinrei listened to what Hayato said, but didn't seem to have any particular interest the small talk. He knew it was time to drop the formalities and get straight to the point. It didn't really bother him that Hayato still didn't recognize who he was. In fact, it was a bit more beneficial toward him since he could remain anonymous without anyone knowing his real identity. He still had a problem that not even he could help himself with since due to the academy's judgment, him and his sister were separated. [b]"What I want to request of you is simple. Before I tell you what you want to know this is what I would like to request. Since I was assigned to the Light Dorms I cannot always keep a watchful eye over my sister. It might be just deja vu, but I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen to her. I need someone to help me keep an eye on her and protect her in my place. She is still very new so she has no friends. You could help me and be her friend at the sametime. To be honest, she's the only thing that really keeps me human and from going insane. Strange, huh?"[/b] He paused to give Hayato a chance to answer him. He picked up another photo of him and his entire family including his mother where him and his sister were hugging each other and they both had their peace signs pushed together against the others fingers. Though a rare feature was shown. Shinrei was actually smiling with his sister who also was doing the same. One would think what happened that made these two like they are now? They looked so happy together but now they look like they just wanted to hide their past underneath them. He gave off a long sigh as he returned the photo to its proper position where he had left it before.