After the Duel with Hayato, Leander began following him after being invited to meet his sister. However, Leander lost sight of Hayato along the way. Despite Leander's best efforts, he couldn't seem to find him again. Leander began to worry; he didn't want to create a bad first impression with anyone. After a few minutes of thought, though, Leander decided to let it go, figuring that he would probably just stumble upon Hayate again eventually. Besides, he had a good Duel with Hayato. That was probably a good first impression already. Leander wandered the place before finding the seat he had sat in before being called for the placement duel, and resumed watching the Duels. Before he knew it, all the Duels for the day were finished. Leander checked the time, and was surprised to find that so much time had passed already. Turns out that people don't kid when they say that time flies. Then there was an announcement to go to the first floor lobby, so Leander got up and made his way to the elevators. There was a large crowd making its way there, so Leander had to slowly walk there with just about everyone else. Needless to say, it was kinda tedious, but Leander wondered how well he did in his placement duel. He hoped he had done alright. Upon reaching the first floor, Leander was surprised by how dark it was. He couldn't even see his own hand in front of his face. Before Leander could begin to wonder what was going on, a spotlight began to shine, and an old man began to speak. Leander was beginning to think that it was going to be another long and boring speech that few people really paid attention to, but then things got interesting, especially the part when the old man jumped down from the podium. However, the excitement was short lived, and the old man was wheeled away on his wheelchair. Now there were the real announcements for everyone's placement duels. Leander listened for his name, though it was clear that everyone's names were being mispronounced. Fortunately, his name wasn't mangled up too badly, and he even got a spot in the Light dorm, which seemed like one of the better ones. Leander smiled proudly, figuring that it was probably Avenging Knight Parshath that really made it a spectacular end, although the 6600 Life Points didn't hurt. Leander made his way to his room, grabbing a sandwich and a water bottle on the way, entered his room and closed the door, and opened his suitcase. Then he sat down on his bed and turned his head to look around the room. It was a nice place, really. A large bed, a closet with some blazers, and some odd-looking device on the desk. Unwrapping his sandwich and taking a bite out of it, he thought about how the day went. Then he realized just how little interaction he did with other people. He was so focused on the duels that he completely forgot to make friends. He then resolved to make some friends starting tomorrow. First, though, was to get ready for sleep.