[color=6ecff6]"ne vous inquiétez pas, it is not a problem."[/color] Zacharie looked up at Ben, the handsome knight standing before him extending a merciful hand towards him. An aura radiant, surrounded the Arthurian duelist, benevolence certainly around him as Zacharie took his hand mesmerized by the mere presence of Ben's might. Not that it would have been difficult for Ben to pick up him, or for Zacharie to pick himself up off the ground, but it was a moment for Zacharie to take it in, having collided with Ben resulting in their awkward positioning moments ago. He felt a little hurt when Ben thought he was Vincent, but they haven't quite met yet formally, and Zacharie lacked the strong charismatic personality that Ben had to make his name known already, so the Frenchman forgave the Englishman for misidentifying him as he took Ben's offered hand. [color=6ecff6]"Merci, I was wondering what the noise was about,"[/color] He looked down at his soaked shirt and Ben's own, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks as he realized his water pretty much covered both of them, even his Jacket was dripping although his shirt was far worse. [color=6ecff6]"Of course I know you, aîné Carson, Your duel was...Très excitant... I enjoyed watching you,"[/color] A slight pause as Zacharie took off his wet shirt letting the Jacket cover the majority of his torso for modesty as he started to coil the dampened fabric around itself to be wrung dry. [color=6ecff6]"Win from behind."[/color] The continuation was ambiguously placed, meaning any number of things depending on how Ben took it. [color=6ecff6]"La faute est à moi, but could I ask to use your sink to take care of this?"[/color] He was referring to shirt of course, what else would he mean by 'this?' Certainly not the terrible, and now soggy, sandwich he bent over and picked up from the ground and pitched into the nearby trash bin.[color=6ecff6]"I thought I would see you in Light, you did so well. A much better spectacle de Coeur than your brother... I don't think zey were fair to you."[/color]