RP: Hokuko [hider=Tatiana Kedzierski][center] [url=http://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Tatiana%20Kedzierski&name=Respective_Slanted.ttf&size=60&style_color=D45252[/img][/url] [img]http://images.buddytv.com/btv_2_800061364_1_590_-1_0_/-orphan-black--seaso.jpg[/img] |5'4|120 lbs|Brunette|Gold-Brown Eyes| Tatiana is known for her composure and her ability to keep everything under control; her physical presence reflects this. Tatiana prefers sophisticated clothing, preferably pencil skirts and button-ups, and wears dark lipstick with minimal eye makeup. She has dyed her hair blonde and has bobbed it so it frames her face. She is noticeably on the short side and is a relatively healthy size (she does yoga).[/center] [color=indianred]Name:[/color] [indent]Tatiana “Ana” Kedzierski[/indent] [color=indianred]Alias:[/color] [indent]Red Queen[/indent] [color=indianred]Age:[/color] [indent]Twenty-six[/indent] [color=indianred]Gender:[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=indianred]Occupation:[/color] [indent]CEO of Ortega Tech Union[/indent] [hr] [center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/412cb432649f346ad38858977b5f1577/tumblr_inline_n76ph6275T1qkfyaf.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [color=indianred]Background:[/color] [indent]Tatiana Hanna Kedzierski was born February 23, the second of the triplets, to Patricia Ortega and Alexei Kedzierski. Two minutes before her, Mykhaila Kedzierski was born and then Ruslana Kedzierski three minutes after her. Growing up, Tatiana demonstrated a temper that rivaled her father's and a commanding personality that had to have everything under her thumb. She was favored by her father, Alexei Kedzierski, who often called her Little Queen. Mykhaila and Ruslana took to calling her the Red Queen, instead, after an old cartoon where the Red Queen was an antagonist. Being favored by Alexei, Tatiana wanted to grow up just like him and own the company one day. It was her lifelong ambition - however, Alexei being the traditionalist that he was, he was planning with his wife to have a son to inherit the company. This caused a lot of animosty towards Patricia Ortega from Tatiana and Tatiana tried her best to run her mother off. After a while, Patricia left the family to another country, never seen again. This angered Mykhaila who was very much her mother's daughter. Mykhaila would often do petty things to get back at Tatiana and Ruslana would be stuck in the middle, attempting to keep the sisters from fighting. However, when the girls reached the age of eight and were able to stay at home by themselves or under the care of a maid, Alexei came around less often and worked more. When he came home, he was typically exhausted and in his study. This left the girls to their own devices. Tatiana kept herself busy with schoolwork and violin lessons and the occasional friend over. She showed a penchant for networking and often made friends in high places and used these friends to get what she wanted. Over the years, she and her sisters grew distant and Tatiana got in fights often with Mykhaila over trivial things. When she was twenty-one, Mykhaila slept with her fiancee which left a huge hole in the family. On the triplets' twenty-third birthday, Alexei collapsed after a particularly taxing fight between Mykhaila and Tatiana with Ruslana intervening several times. He later died that night, his heart having given out. Tatiana, of course, fully expected the company to be handed over to her, but Mykhaila believed it was her birthright due to her being born first. The two sisters fought over the company, several times framing the other or exposing each other's secrets. Mykhaila even threatened to burn the company down. Tatiana, having had other witnesses hear her make the threat, burned down one of her labs despite having six people in it. Unbeknownst to her, Ruslana was in the lab as well, having been down there to talk to her friend from college. Horrified by what she did to Ruslana, Mykhaila relinquished control to Tatiana and alienated Tatiana. Mykhaila sent Ruslana away, under a new identity, in order to punish Tatiana for what she did. [/indent] [color=indianred]Other:[/color] [indent]Tatiana hates the color red and is an alcoholic[/indent] [hr] [center][img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/565a8a98380dc4ecd08c6897e42ad47b/tumblr_n72s7gg5lQ1rgvfxho4_r1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][/hider] [hider=Mykhaila Kedzierski][center][url=http://fontmeme.com/graffiti-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mykhaila%20Kedzierski&name=ruthlessdrippinone.ttf&size=60&style_color=4FCC6C[/img][/url] [img]http://fr.web.img3.acsta.net/r_x_600/newsv7/15/11/18/10/42/1702940.jpg[/img] |5'4|124 lbs|Brunette|Gold-Brown Eyes| Mykhaila is vastly different than Tatiana, preferring to exude swagger rather than sophistication. She tends to wear loose shirts, tight pants, and hoodies and she carries a gun with her everywhere. She has some blonde streaks in her hair, but often redyes her hair completely brown then changing her mind weeks later and adding blonde again. Conversely to her sister, Mykhaila wears a lot of eye makeup but neglects her lips and cheeks. She tries to hide the bags underneath her eyes caused by lack of sleep because of her drug addiction.[/center] [color=olivedrab]Name:[/color] [indent]Mykhaila “Mick” Kedzierski[/indent] [color=olivedrab]Alias:[/color] [indent]Bloody Mary[/indent] [color=olivedrab]Age:[/color] [indent]Twenty-six[/indent] [color=olivedrab]Gender:[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=olivedrab]Occupation:[/color] [indent]Crime lord Police Officer (cover)[/indent] [hr] [center][img]http://cdn2.crushable.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Tatiana-Maslany-Orphan-Black-youre-damn-right.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [color=olivedrab]Background:[/color] [indent]Mykhaila Anastasiya Kedzierski was born February 23 to Patricia Ortega and Alexei Kedzierski. Shortly after she was followed by her sisters Tatiana and Ruslana. Growing up, Mykhaila expressed the same temper that conflicted her sister, Tatiana, as well as Ruslana. However, Mykhaila did not have the same control problem Tatiana had. Instead, Mykhaila took after her mother and demonstrated a laidback personality with subtle, manipulative tendencies. Mykhaila often would manipulate others rather command them to get what she wanted and lacked the integrity that her father honored. As such, Alexei often saw her as a disappointment and preferred her younger sister, Tatiana, over her. When Patricia Ortega was run off by Tatiana's hostile behavior and Alexei's cheating tendencies, Mykhaila blamed Tatiana and often engaged her sister in verbal battles and taunted her with petty pranks. Mykhaila was not above anything when it came to punishing her sister - she had told the whole school of Tatiana's crush, stolen her clothes after gym when Tatiana was in the shower, sabotaged Tatiana's grades, and many other things. During high school, Tatiana was more often than not an outcast because of Mykhaila, who was charismatic and attracted people to her like a moth to a flame. Tatiana's only saving grace was her networking abilities as she made friends with teachers and several jocks that protected her. Also around this time, Mykhaila made friends with the wrong people and often indulged in delinquent behavior. She would shoplift, drink, and smoke marijuana often. She flunked all of her classes in school, eventually dropping out despite her father's disappointment in her. Ruslana tried to convince her to stay in school. When the girls graduated, the situation was only aggravated by Mykhaila sleeping with Tatiana's fiance, who Mykhaila genuinely showed interest in. Tatiana broke it off with her fiance and severed all of her ties with her sisters. Mykhaila went on to date her sister's fiance for a couple of months until she met Rocky, a drug dealer. He got her hooked on horrible narcotics and her drug problem became severe. At one point, she went broke having spent all her money on drugs, and then started trading sex for it. Her father would never see her unless during the holidays or their birthday, since Mykhaila wanted to see Ruslana on these days, so on her twenty-third birthday she visited. She got in a fight with Tatiana over one or another and her father collapsed, his heart having given out. He eventually died later that night. With his death, Tatiana and Mykhaila entered a blood battle over Ortega Tech Union. Mykhaila felt it was her birthright, as the first born, but Tatiana was more ambitious and believed she was the one meant for the job. At one point, Mykhaila threatened to burn the whole company down with Tatiana in it. In order to frame her sister, Tatiana staged a fire in her lab, accidentally killing six people and injuring Ruslana. Mykhaila was angry at Tatiana, but horrified that she would do it to her, and so she allowed Tatiana to take control but sent Ruslana away to punish Tatiana, who she knew didn't mean to hurt Ruslana. Afterwards, Tatiana cut Mykhaila off from her money and to pay her rent, Mykhaila began to strip and even starting to sell herself. Shen Romasko wandered in one night, and immediately took a liking to Mykhaila. Mykhaila seduced Shen, using him for his position as the leader of The Yellow Phantoms and manipulated him to do whatever he wanted. She even had him kill his childhood friends, David Wood and Alfred Liang, after convincing the two to massacre people and telling Romasko that they had come onto her. Eventually, Mykhaila killed Shen, damaging his face beyond recognition and throwing him away, taking control of The Yellow Phantoms. Mykhaila's goal: burning down her sister and the company with her, once and for all.[/indent] [color=olivedrab]Other:[/color] [indent]No one outside of The Yellow Phantom knows she is manning the operations Mykhaila is fond of Rottweilers and owns three; Anubis, Hela, and Hades[/indent] [hr] [center][img]http://images.amcnetworks.com/bbcamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/RUN-4.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [/hider] [hider=Ruslana Kedzierski][center][url=http://fontmeme.com/chalk-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Ruslana%20Kedzierski&name=TENOCLOCK-Regular.ttf&size=60&style_color=6880FC[/img][/url] [img]https://pp.vk.me/c305309/v305309746/68c9/G6Fc0RqLi90.jpg[/img] |5'4|119 lbs|Brunette|Gold-Brown Eyes| Unlike her sisters, Ruslana has never dyed a lock on her hair. Instead, she keeps her hair in dreads, usually up in a ponytail or in a bun, and wears thick, black glasses due to reading too much in the dark. She has a gangly, awkward presence and doesn't tend to command respect or fear like her sisters do. Ruslana prefers bohemian-esque clothes and is a collector of scarves. She has a nose ring and a belly ring and wears Egyptian-like eye makeup with light lipstick. She likes to wear jewelry and accessorizes her wrists, fingers, and neck often.[/center] [color=cornflowerblue]Name:[/color] [indent]Ruslana “Lana” Kedzierski[/indent] [color=cornflowerblue]Alias:[/color] [indent]Elizabeth Roxanne Barnes Sweetcheeks[/indent] [color=cornflowerblue]Age:[/color] [indent]Twenty-six[/indent] [color=cornflowerblue]Gender:[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=cornflowerblue]Occupation:[/color] [indent]Doctor[/indent] [hr] [center][img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/3404dfc8f33e8b317173a12ed6dddea1/tumblr_n73lrbTBxo1qbuypqo1_250.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [color=cornflowerblue]Background:[/color] [indent]Ruslana Viktoriya Kedzierski was the last triplet to be born February 23 to Alexei Kedzierski and Patricia Ortega. While Mykhaila, her eldest sister, was favored by her mother and Tatiana favored by her father, Ruslana was the angel to the help. The headmaid, Yumi, doted on Ruslana as if she were her own; she taught Ruslana patience and kindness. She helped Ruslana with her school work and how to think outside the box. Eventually, however, Yumi grew old and frail and Alexei fired her. A week later, Yumi died. Ruslana was heartbroken and visited her grave every Sunday for years. Meanwhile, with her sisters, Ruslana began to notice the tension and, having lost the only family she had, did everything she could to bring them back together so she could have the family she wanted. Both of her sisters loved her and never tried to intentionally harm her, but often times she would recieve the backlash of their actions towards each other. One time, Ruslana was suspended after Tatiana stole from Mykhaila's friend and her friend mistook Tatiana for Ruslana. It led to Ruslana becoming withdrawn from other people, despite having a friendly disposition and a need for affection, so none of her friends would be brought into the crossfire. As such, Ruslana withdrew into books and studies while scheming to stop her sisters through, sometimes, ridiculous means. In high school, while Tatiana was networking and being bullied and Mykhaila was manipulating and bullying, Ruslana spent her time building up her grades and volunteering at an animal shelter. She showed a penchant for taking care of things and enjoyed helping out at homeless shelters and such. So, while Tatiana worked for Alexei in hopes of impressing her father and becoming CEO and Mykhaila squandered her time getting high and sleeping around, Ruslana focused on her studies and went to university to get her bachelor's in order to become a doctor. However, when she was twenty-one, and at a family reunion where she had just met Tatiana's fiance, something snapped inside of her. Seeing Tatiana accuse Mykhaila of seducing her fiance, Ruslana became upset and ran out, distraught. Despite her sisters' attempts to reach out to her, Ruslana ignored them for several weeks until her father visited her. There, he comforted her and expressed how upsetting it was, but he also displayed a coldness when talking about his daughters and Ruslana experienced an epiphany. She blamed her father for her broken family, for taking away Yumi and pinning Tatiana and Mykhaila against each other. However, she knew that there was nothing she could do about it and so she stayed quiet and spent her time working towards her bachelor's as well as spending time with her sisters, separately of course. Around her twenty-third birthday, Ruslana discovered Mykhaila's drug addiction after walking in on her. In a cold rage, a familiar rage that ran in her family, Ruslana sought out her friend from college who had access to certain medicines. On the night of her twenty-third birthday, while her father was distracted by her sisters' fighting, Ruslana slipped a drug into Alexei's drink. When he drank it, his heart gave out and he eventually died. Ruslana then tampered with the autopsy and medical reports so his death would be ruled natural. However, she had not anticipated the full-out war her sisters would create over the company. Her family as broken as ever, Ruslana drowned herself in medical school and attempted several times to bring her sisters back together, to no avail. However, her scientist friend, Edward Cold, who worked for Ortega Tech Union, threatened to report Ruslana to the cops after hearing Mykhaila's threat to burn down the building, believing that the scandal would take the three sisters out of power. Ruslana visited the Ortega lab in order to talk him out of it - however, in the midst of their heated argument, Tatiana's oblivious henchman set fire to the lab, killing five lab technicians nearby and severely injuring Ruslana and Edward. In order to keep his mouth shut about Tatiana starting the fire, Mykhaila had Edward killed in the hospital. Ruslana went under extreme surgery, having her legs replaced with cybernetics as well as parts of her brain and some organs. After her surgery, Mykhaila forged a new identity for her as Elizabeth Barnes and sent her away to NSU. In NSU, Ruslana finished her education and started a career in the medical business, starting up a life with a cat named Underdog and eventually had a girlfriend named Katherine. Ruslana actively volunteered, having a guilty conscious for killing her father and worked at a free clinic when she was off at night. However, after seeing Ortega Tech Union in the news, Ruslana decides to come back to her home city, Hokuko, in order to once again attempt to bring her family together, whether she had to kill someone to do it.[/indent] [color=cornflowerblue]Other:[/color] [indent]Ruslana is a lesbian She owns a calico cat named Underdog She has a sweet tooth[/indent] [hr] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/7a/bc/18/7abc18f2ce20f63e31fc028456f6fccc.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [/hider] [hider=Abigail Babineaux][center][url=http://fontmeme.com/typewriter-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Abigail%20Babineaux&name=me______.ttf&size=60&style_color=EB9FAA[/img][/url] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/9b44c02d44261dc330cacd05a313290f/tumblr_muzb7efJNi1qm0e7eo1_400.png[/img][/center] [color=peachpuff]Name:[/color] [indent]Abigail Babineaux[/indent] [color=peachpuff]Alias:[/color] [indent]Rachel Ortov[/indent] [color=peachpuff]Age:[/color] [indent]Thirty[/indent] [color=peachpuff]Gender:[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=peachpuff]Occupation:[/color] [indent]Tatiana's Secretary at Ortega Tech Union[/indent] [hr] [center][img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/edbdedc8bccff2f9cf38727afb04a4aa/tumblr_mncmsiMTwa1qhrl8io1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [color=peachpuff]Background:[/color] [indent]White trash. Abigail hated the term with every fiber of her being - but according to everyone she met in her childhood, that's what she and her family was. White trash: poor, worthless, trailer trash, and the list goes on. Abigail was told the same thing from everyone she came across: "you will never amount to anything." And, truthfully, Abigail believed it. Abigail Babineaux was born in the NSU to a single mother and five younger brothers. When it came to Abigail, she was always put on hold; everybody else came first. At the age of ten, Abigail's mother had saved up all her money and moved the family to Hokuko in hopes of finding a better life. There, Abigail understood what it meant to be inferior. In the NSU, they had enough money to at least pretend they were fine, but in Hokuko, they had spent all their money on plane tickets, and as such could only afford a cockroach ridden trailer surrounded by other cockroach ridden trailers. There was barely enough room for the seven member family and Abigail was forced to share the cough with three of her younger brothers. At the time, Abigail was fiercely protective of her brothers after her father had died. Yet, when others found out at school about her living conditions, Abigail had never felt more ashamed in her life. [i]Trailer trash[/i]. It followed her wherever she went, as everyone always knew - was it her matted, usually oily hair that gave her away? Or her clothes that were always filled with holes and rips (it was always embarrassing when she got dress-coded and had to cover the holes in her clothing with duct tape)? It was around the age of twelve that she discovered the release of self-harm. She didn't do it much, only when the bullying got really bad. She tried to hide it as best as she can, but living in such a small space, her mother was doomed to find out. Her mother never told her that she knew, never said a word, until one day her mother unceremoniously pulled her out of class and brought her to a therapist. The matriarch had been saving up her money ever since she saw the scratches on her precious daughter's arm. Under the care of Dr. Gagnon, Abigail was disagnosed with Clinical Depression. He believed strongly that Abigail's recent bullying had helped bring the disorder out. He prescribed her medicine, but it was expensive and her mother didn't know how she would pay for it. She managed somehow, but Abigail knew she was struggling even more than before. She was thirteen when she decided to do it. It was a tucked away area that nobody would ever see, and Abigail was convinced that nobody would catch her. Growing cannabis was the easiest thing she had done since she moved to Hokuko. Going to a public school filled with a bunch of medium-waged kids made for easy pickings - she started with the smarter kids ant the athletes, due to the "stress" they often had to deal with. Soon, she was the school's pot dealer. At the age of sixteen, gangs had gotten wind of Abigail's little business and they recruited her to start selling worse and more dangerous drugs. Abigail couldn't refuse, though she knew getting involved with such people would be the death of her. Perhaps it was around this time that she began to hang out with Mykhaila Kedzierski in the basement of a mediocre gang's hidaway. They became close friends fast. After graduating high school, Abigail did attempt to get her act together and went to college for two or so years before Mykhaila managed to pull her out again. They were careful never to be seen together because of Mykhaila's image that she needed to protect, so perhaps that was why it was so easy for Abigail to fool Tatiana when Mykhaila urged the blonde to become Tatiana's personal assistant for her. Mykhaila convinced Abigail to spy on Tatiana for her under the name Rachel Ortov and Abigail, being a loyal and close friend, chose to do so in order to protect Mykhaila. [/indent] [color=peachpuff]Other:[/color] [indent][list][*]Despite her standing in life, Abigail is really good at secretarial things and is rather organized and professional[/list][/indent] [hr] [center][img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/1e71796231537f69a36c4b897462c78b/tumblr_n9lbbzjKrY1s8198mo4_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][/hider]