Ben blushed when the boy praised him and the big goofy smile that Ben usually wore on his face came back as he raised his other hand and waved it. [color=fff200]"Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed the show! I wanted to make sure it was fun for everyone. You, me, Angelo, the crowd, the teachers, and anyone else watching. But it wasn't anything too good, I mean the duel itself. Medraut is the one who deserves praise without him I'd have been boned. Gawayn, and Peredur both fought bravely but if it wasn't for Medraut's effects I'd have been in deep trouble. I'm not much without my king though given the right circumstances my monsters can be a force of nature on their own. I mean Noble Arms give all sorts of weird effects."[/color] Ben stated to the Frenchman with modesty. In honest maybe he was giving Medraut too much credit without his queen Borz wouldn't have been able to activate his effect either. Luck was a major part of his victory it sickened him a little bit thinking on it but it wasn't really something he dwelled on. [color=fff200]"Nah I'm not too bummed on being put in Wind though I do think my affiliation with Light Monsters would've put me better in that dorm Wind, or Earth for that matter, is perfectly fine with me. When it came down to it Andre, my brother, did a lot better job than I did out there. I mean I could've done numerous other plays with Merlin at the start but I went the safe route and picked Peredur so that he couldn't target me with effects and I gained a noble arms if he somehow got around me. Angelo was a good duelist. Probably better than me out there. But you know what I won't disgrace my kin by saying my win wasn't good. I love my Sacred Noble Knight Artorgius. I modeled myself after him and I believe that one day maybe I could be like him. Brave, Strong, Kind, and just. I'm not knight not yet I still got a lot to learn, and a lot to experience. I'm a squire if anything. And the ferocious demon that is my brother proved out there that he wasn't playing games even if he is a lot less friendly he really is a good guy underneath all that hate he has in him. You just got to see it for yourself and don't try to force it out. Andre's dueling skills are not flashy, not nice, and aren't pretty whatsoever but when it comes down to it he was the one who managed to deal with his opponent bouncing his monsters back to his hand while I could barely handle my enemy special summoning his monsters back like crazy and equipping them. Pretty sad considering what my whole deck is based around."[/color] Ben exposited to Zach as he pulled his hand away from his head and put his arm down and looked at his deck which was placed back into his deck box. He looked down on it and rubbed his hand gently across it but snapped out of it quickly. [color=fff200]"Oh yeah the sink I guess I could let you borrow mine. Just don't expect my room to be anything like your dorm. You're from the Light Dorm right? It's just a glorified hotel room for an adequet duelist such as myself. HEY HENRY KEEP GOING I'M GOING TO TAKE THIS GUY BACK TO MY ROOM TO CLEAN UP. I RAN INTO HIM AND HE'S GOT FOOD ON HIM. GOOD JOB SO FAR!"[/color] Ben shouted to a boy around the corner and a snowy haired white young man nodded at him as he put on a ghostrick Alucard Mask and ran back down the hall. [color=fff200]"Alright let's get moving!"[/color] Ben said as he took led Zach down the hallway until they got to his room. Ben's room was just how he left it. A bit messy and he still had his Noble Knight poster signed by a number of Pro-League Duelists on his bed. On the shelf were some plastic models of knights, and some magician monsters that were painted fairly well but were a bit rough around the edges. [color=fff200]"Don't mind the mess it's alright but it's far from the homey room I want it to be. If the sink here isn't good enough the bathroom is down the hall."[/color] Ben stated as he made some gestures on where to go.