[color=fff79a][b]Name:[/b][/color] Justin Mai [color=fff79a][b]Age:[/b][/color] 21 [color=fff79a][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=fff79a][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Dark-brown, short chic hair that is usually kept neat and styled in a charming manner that frames his angular face quite well. He is of mixed ethnicity - his father being Chinese and his mother from the States. Because of his multiracial traits, his eyes are colored hazel are more of a rounded almond shape. He has an olive-colored complexion, inheriting the darker skin tones from his father. Being Chinese-American, he stands at a shorter-than-average height than his fully Caucasian peers, but only by a little. Though sporting a thin frame, his athleticism over the years have made his body quite sturdy, though it doesn't quite show underneath his usual fitted clothing. For his attire, he usually wears things that are pretty casual but stylish with darker colors. [color=fff79a] [b]Personality:[/b][/color] Charming, laid-back, and sociable, Justin is a young man who is in the prime of his years. He radiates youth with his optimism as well as show it by partaking in silly risks and living his days with a splash of adventure and mischief. His confidence is backed by his stubbornness, a disastrous combination that usually leads him into trouble. Still, he is intelligent enough to never put himself and those around him in any real danger, as he knows he cannot forsake the future he had worked so hard for. Because of his casual demeanor, he is quite charismatic and approachable. He carries a conversation as smooth as silk and has the ability to dissuade most tension in a situation with his logical and refreshing words. He can be really understanding but conversely, it's difficult for him to open up - but he hides it very well. In most cases, this makes him quite the liar, though he tries not to without good reason. He is more persuasive than intimidating, which is both a strength and weaknesses depending on the situation. Usually he is level-headed and can be analytical with his surroundings, and though his fuse is long, there are things that can quickly set off his temper and make him quite rash. But again, he is able to mask his weakness quite well. [color=fff79a][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] His father was a descendant of Chinese immigrants who had came over to the United States during WWII. Though having grown up in San Diego, California since he was born, Justin's father and his grandparents were quite traditional with their Chinese roots. It was only after his father was in high school, where he met his American mother, that his sense of tradition began to fade and instead became quite 'westernized' himself. So when Justin was born many years later, he was raised primarily on American values and principles, with his Chinese heritage being sprinkled in here and there. Justin grew up in a household of an average, middle-class nuclear family with him being the only child. His parents are hard workers, with his dad being a small-time manager of a metalworking company and his mom a receptionist at a local hospital. He himself is in his third year of University, just finishing up the remaining of his pre-requisites to apply for an externship that would finish off his medical imaging degree. He is quite adept with his major, having taken interest in Anatomy and Physiology since his early high-school days. He knows a lot about the human body, as well as having the basic fundamentals of pathology and medicine ingrained in his head after years of hard studying for his future profession. On his down-times, Justin participates in various cardio and weight-bearing exercises so that he may keep in shape for his kickboxing hobby in Muay Thai. Though he lives on his own now, he still frequents his parents quite regularly as he his close with his family. Though he is quite sociable at school and well-known, he only hangs out with a select group of individuals that he calls his closest friends. [color=fff79a][b]Talents:[/b][/color] Being a student of a major that branches off of medicine, he is quite adept at first aid and giving out diagnoses and prognoses. Though his initial knowledge is severely limited, as long as the pathology is not too rare or complex, he's able to establish a very broad idea of what it is, and therefor, can maybe procure some sort of temporary remedy, if not being able to cure it without proper medicine. As a practioner of Muay Thai, he is capable of self-defense but only to a limited extent. He has a small sparring background, and has only been training for a year. [color=fff79a][b]Other:[/b][/color] He loves sweets, and usually carries around some sort of small candy in his pockets.