[center][h1][color=a36209]Vincent Gulfus[/color] & [color=00aeef]Hayate[/color][/h1][/center] Vincent noted down the past history of the girl opposite him. seemed like an awful time to live alone without companionship with the parents favouring the brother in terms of items. It seemed like simple loneliness. The girl seemed all right when she handed him a paper-craft (slight miss shapen paper craft but who cared about that) of a monster that he was impartial to. Weird it was like some sort of spectral entity was reading a sheet of his likes and dislikes. peculiar really. Vincent liked Volcanic rat because of the nostalgia it brought him. He still had that card at home in his drawer in a case. He wasn't going to lie, he liked the gift which had been presented to him, in fact he liked it a lot. He was just about to voice his opinion of how much he liked it until Hayate beat him over the head with a hammer. Thank god it was a toy one but it hurt all the same. The small toy hammer had caught him by surprise. Then the Hayate had the nerve to start dragging him somewhere to get food Before realising the situation. [color=a36209]"You seem to be awfully grabby. I need to actually start packing away my stuff though"[/color] Vincent said to the girl whom was terrible at the social aspect of things... yet so was he. [color=a36209]"You said you wanted to help so... Lets get to work"[/color] Vincent said as he opened the door to his room. [color=00aeef]"Let's get cracking then"[/color] Hayate jokingly started to crack her knuckles which you can surpringly hear it loudly as she entered the room after dropping her own bag in her own room starting off by simply following orders from the other person in the room, even though it was apparent that she should have known his name already but simply forgot. [color=a36209]"Alright so"[/color] Vincent began as he lobbed his bag onto his single bed in a moderately luxious room. [color=a36209]"Hayate Can you help me put these clothes of mine away"[/color] Vincent said as he unpacked his few changes of clothes out of his bag. Placing them carefully on the bed so they where in piles sorted into what type of clothing they were. [color=00aeef]"yes sir!"[/color] Hayate quickly grabbed the clothes and opened the closet that was in the room and stacked it up in the closet kinda not realising she almost stacked the clothes on top of the dorm clothing and set it next to the bed and looked at Vincent saying [color=00aeef]"since you need it tomorrow-ish I placed it close to your bed"[/color] Hayate said to the Vincent really it was something she tended to do at home, and proceeded to sort things out the way she would normally at home strangely enough she stacked the small stack of clothes in order of color which was actually necessary but she liked doing that after finishing up she asked if he needed more help kinda acting more like a sister to Vincent. Vincent inspected the girls handiwork it seemed like he had made a good choice to let her help as it was all neatly piled. Silently he walked over to the closet and started chucking out All of the dorm clothing minus the dark green shirts which he kept. [color=a36209]"I don't need all of this stuff"[/color] Vincent said as he continued lobbing the clothes behind him. They just weren't visually appealing. Hayate didnt really pay attention and was met with a barrage of flying clothing knocking her over due to her smaller size, [color=00aeef]"ow! who turned off the lights!"[/color] Hayate said lying on the floor covered with clothing not knowing she was knocked over. Vincent turned to see the girl lying on the floor. His eyes drifting downwards to her he noted her clothing. T-Shirt and skirt which seemed awfully short in its own way. Her panties where visible... Vincent felt something trickle down his noise. [color=a36209]"Er Can you get up before a Teacher comes in. I can see your underwear"[/color] Vincent said haphazardly trying to stem the flow of blood building in his nasal passages. [color=00aeef]"W-wait why are you even looking!?"[/color] Hayate said scribbling back up grabbing a slightly larger toy hammer and hits Vincent right on the head [color=00aeef]"if you really wanted to see why didn't you just ask!"[/color] Hayate said slightly angry.[color=a36209]"Ow..."[/color] Vincent winced. It was worth it though... totally worth it. He won at life. Yet the wierd comment afterwards took him by total surprise he decided to pretend that it never happened.[color=a36209] "Well lets pretend that didn't happen"[/color] Vincent said as he looked at his desk and his closet looking for some sort of distraction from the situation. Luckily he just about found one. And ran over to the D-Ciever on his desk. Picking it up he noted that it was one half black and the other half pure white. Fitting for his deck after all. [color=00aeef]"You forgot something!"[/color] Hayate said as she grabbed a pair of underwear Vincent forgot to take out of his bag and pulled it right over Vincent's head being a little prankster herself sort off paying him back for looking at her like that. Vincent pulled his boxers of his head and dropped on the floor. [color=a36209]"ha you got me."[/color] He said as he put his duel disk on the desk (he surprisingly still had that thing equipped all this time) Pulled out his Chaos Emissary deck and placed it in his pocket. It struck a thought in his mind as he did so. [color=a36209]"So why did you come to this School Hayate"[/color] Vincent said as he began looking at the form on his desk. [color=00aeef]"Because Hayato told me to save up money to come here, He said it'd be strange without me around."[/color] Hayate said scratching her head "I don't know why he would tell me that" Vincent's mind generated a answer to that which he didn't want to say. Looking down at the form for 3 of the luxuries he could select he filled out the first one instantly [u]Laptop[/u]. Before continuing with his questions. [color=a36209]"Ah seems good. So why did you pick a Blue-Eyes deck."[/color] Vincent asked as he continued to mull over his options for the form. [color=00aeef]"its my dad's pride and joy as a duellist as well as mine. It was the first card I opened when I snuck out to buy packs"[/color] Hayate said and tried to look to look over Vincent's shoulder and took a peek at his form [color=00aeef]"my brother is likely going to see if he can get his hands on a copy of duel dice monsters"[/color] Vincent noted that the Girl was getting a little too close. maybe a tiny bit to close but he stood steadfast for now. He wrote down his 2nd Item of choice. [i]An unlimited supply of bottled Mineral Water[/i], they were in a desert after all so it was a smart choice to choose it. Suddenly an explosive thought struck him. [color=a36209]"You know you have the same form that I do, right"[/color] Vincent said as he explained his idea. [color=a36209]"What if we shared the items we got from the forms. that way we could have a larger range of items at our disposal!"[/color] Vincent said as the lightbulb went off in his brain. [color=00aeef]"sure... just... um... be my friend?"[/color] Hayate said with a red face as she never actually asked that to anyone, she never had a friend before after all. Vincent just thought of how many friends he currently had... One. Okay yea he would be friends with the slightly strange girl known as Hayate. [color=a36209]"Sure I'll be friends with you"[/color] Vincent said with a grin. Hayate smiled and hugged her new friend very tightly and asked what else would be good to have a item to write down as she took out that same form she grabbed from her room earlier with the first option already signed with "Assortment of colored paper and scissors" [color=a36209]"Alright so you choose more things to make papercraft with, I choose water and a laptop... what else are we gonna need"[/color] Vincent said as he pondered to himself tapping the pen in his hand against his cheek. [color=00aeef]"what about a few card binders? or do you think that would be off-limits?"[/color] Hayate scratched her head and quickly asked [color=00aeef]"how about we unpack my stuff first?"[/color] [color=a36209]"Well okay"[/color] Vincent said as he walked out of his room carrying his form in his hand along with the pen. While also making sure his deck was firmly in his pocket and his duel receiver was in the other. He waited for Hayate to do the same. His mind adrift with how easy it was to make friends here. Hayate opened her dorm room once again and placed her bag on the desk carefully taking out a big box full of paper-craft ranging from her own family members and different monsters some even representing duels she had with her brother " taking out the PJ's out of her bag right away which was simply a cute pyjama modelled after blue eyes which she placed on her bed, [color=00aeef]"can you put the paper-craft materials on my desk while your here?"[/color] Hayate asked putting away most of her clothes away which she forgot to sort out in the first place. Vincent pulled out the materials and proceeded to lay them out carefully on the desk seperating the paper and the scissors. [color=a36209]"All right I have finished doing that"[/color] Vincent said as he stared at the D-Ciever on her desk. It was a black and blue colour, not what he expected. He pulled out his deck for a few minutes and shuffled through the cards. Luckily this would allow him to avoid the hassle that would happen if he actually looked behind him. [color=00aeef]"Ok all done!"[/color] She said after she silently changed into her pyjama's even if it wasn't late at all but honestly she likes it more than her usual clothing it was modelled after her favourite card after all, she looked at the mirror smiling as she always would when she would wear her pj's which covered her entire body up to her feet and snuck up to Vincent and roared at him trying to sound menacing but came out in a cute way. Vincent Almost dropped his deck in surprise. Then he noticed Hayates change of clothes and thanked the heavens he hadn't turned around. though a small part of him wished he did a little but he ignored it. Still the pyjamas were kinda cute... he was impartial to those pyjamas, [color=a36209]"so after you surprised me (in more ways then one), you should have this."[/color] Vincent said as he handed her the D-Ciever Hayate grabbed the object wondering what it was for due to her having a hard time remembering things clearly [color=00aeef]"so this thing is... um... Hayato is better with things like this"[/color] Hayate put it back on her desk thinking she probably doesn't need it [color=00aeef]"I wont need it... im bad with tech anyways..."[/color] she said explaining the embarrassing moment she had the moment she received her duel disk. "Oh well I guess you'll be fine then, we still need to fill in these form though. We still have got 3 options left, 1 on mine, 2 on yours. Hayate started to suggest smaller things that would come in useful while collecting cards like card binders and different types of sleeves for rare cards when something more useful hit her mind or least what she thinks is useful [color=00aeef]"what about we ask for a microwave?"[/color] Hayate blindly suggested to Vincent [color=a36209]"Card Binders seem like a good idea... Sleeves not as much considering our limited options. A microwave seems good but what would we use it for"[/color] Vincent said as he noted down empty card Binders as his last option. Hayate nodded [color=00aeef]"we use it for food we sneak out of the cafeteria of course! hmm what about a water boiler and tea bags then?"[/color] Hayate started to suggest even more weird specific stuff honestly she was probably suggesting it because she was getting hungry as it was evident by the growling of her stomach. [color=a36209]"Well I don't wanna break any of the schools policys"[/color] Vincent said to his pyjama wearing friend. [color=a36209]"Perhaps we could ask for eating utensils like plates and forks, and Canned things and a can opener."[/color] Vincent said to his friend. he was notably started to feel famished as well. [color=00aeef]"shall we just go for food...? im getting hungry..."[/color] Hayate grabbed Vincents hand [color=00aeef]"It's normal to hold hands right? my brother tends to grab my hand when we sneak out..."[/color Vincents face flushed red again [color=a36209]""Depends on the situation at hand, sometime its not but most of the time its okay."[/color] he said quickly. [color=a36209]"Can I at the very least get changed first. Its been a long day..."[/color] He murmured. [color=00aeef]"Well I'll be waiting then..."[/color] Hayate said walking to the desk with the paper and scissors and started to work on her first paper-craft in advance which she had already decided to be a paper-craft to celebrate her first friend. Vincent quickly ducked back inside of his own room and spent a few minutes getting changed mainly because he didn't want something that look ridiculous. Emerging from his room, he was wearing a white shirt with some black jog bottoms. He was probably going to wear it to bed as well so he made sure he was comfortable in what he had chosen. He knocked on Hayates door [color=00aeef]"Come in!"[/color] Hayate said with a very serious voice nobody would normally hear as nobody would see her work on paper-crafts which surprisingly was already half-way done. Vincent walked inside of her room and sat down on her bed. Pulling at the D-Ciever to fiddle around with it as it looked like she was busy. [color=00aeef]"mmrgh... too hungry"[/color] Hayate grumbled and simply left the paper-craft as is [color=00aeef]"Those clothes look comfy but I bet not as comfy as this"[/color] Hayate boasted slightly and grabbed the D-Ciever to find a strange friend-list function on the screen [color=00aeef]"Hey... you know what this is?"[/color] Hayate asked her new friend. Vincent looked at what she had pointed to. [color=a36209]"that is the friend-list function, it allows you to swap you code with a friend to bug them, whenever..."[/color] Vincent said as he turned on his on D-Ciever (which he had transfered to his new trousers along with his CE deck) [color=a36209]"I guess we should exchange ours before going to get things to eat right?"[/color] he asked. [color=00aeef]"we can do that when we get to the food... I'm too hungry... i still get to hold someone's hand right...? i;m actually a bit scared without someone holding my hand..."[/color] Hayate stated her last sentence rather softly but still audible walked to the door. [color=a36209]"Fine lets get food first and exchange friend codes in the morning"[/color] Vincent said as he began walking on ahead. His stomach was being attracted towards the prospect of food entering it. [color=00aeef]"Yes let's go!"[/color] Hayate Grabbed Vincent's hand again due to her habits and walked towards the elevator closing her dorm room door.