Haas still felt kind of bad about knocking Tsukiko over, even if the girl said it was fine. The boy really should've watched out where he walked... I mean, you just don't do that to people. The boy listened to what Tsukiko had to say, and it seemed to be her asking if Haas wanted to accompany the girl to go and grab some food... Or at least walk towards the place they were handing it out at. And also how she was kind of... Lonely all the time. That made Haas a little more uncomfortable than usual, not really knowing what to reply to that. The boy merely rubbed his left elbow, trying not to meet Tsukiko's rather dimmed gaze. Jeez, what DO you say to that? [color=aba000][b]"Erm... No, it's fine. I mean, it's not fine, but, I can understand how it feels to be lonely... But, hey, let's not worry about it! You're in a new environment, and you'll probably make a ton of friends in our dorm! And, well, I'm here?"[/b][/color] Haas tried his best to sound optimistic, giving off a pretty goofy smile in an attempt to try and cheer Tsukiko up. Damn, the guy probably made a fool out of himself, huh? [color=aba000][b]"A-Anyway..."[/b][/color] They swallowed the saliva in their mouth, obviously a bit nervous as to the reaction. [color=aba000][b]"Yeah, let's go get something! Hell, I'll race you if you're up for it. First one there gets to pick the other one's sandwich!"[/b][/color] Haas awaited Tsukiko's reply, and if she was on board with the little race, would bolt for it the first chance he got. Knowing the guy's luck though? He'd still lose. [hr] Ethel nearly choked on the piece of bread she swallowed at the time of Megan tapping on her shoulder, blissfully unaware the other girl was still there. Ugh, this little depressed girl was going to talk to her... Maybe it wasn't such a smart idea to sit next to them after all. Well, Ethel was stuck with Megan now anyway... Might as well listen to what they had to say. And of course, the entirely predictable 'Gimme advice' was all Megan [i]had[/i] to say. Why should the blue haired girl help out competition? Still, she's not out to make enemies... Saying a few words to satisfy the other might be in order. [color=7ea7d8]"Yes I am. Yes I did. I'll think about that offer, it will depend on where I am at the time."[/color] There. That should satisfy the other girl, right? Considering they only got into Earth, they didn't really matter that much to Ethel. She had more important people to worry about... Ethel got up and brushed off her skirt, already having finished the sandwich she was eating. The girl was... Surprisingly fast at it. [color=7ea7d8]"It was nice to meet you."[/color] Ethel commented before departure, remembering that if you're nice to a person you're more likely to get what you wanted out of them... Or... Something. There had to be a more interesting person to find and talk with, right? Someone who wasn't... Earth. Anyone who wasn't Earth. Though thinking about it, it was probably a waste of time. Ethel decided to just go back to her room, aiming to sink into the first Light hallway and disappear behind her door... If she didn't get stopped by anyone.