When the bus pulled up to Duel Tower, Camryn was, by far, one of the most excited people there. She had gotten a seat near the front of the bus, since she had arrived a bit late, and barely waited for the bus to open its doors before she ran outside, grabbed her suitcase, and hauled it over to the Duel Tower. She had been one of the first people to claim her structure deck and pack, Deepspace Rebellion and Cybernetic Revolution, respectively, and had bounced in place excitedly the whole time while the man behind the counter got her cards. Her placement duel had gone fairly well; she ended up with about half her LP left, and a bunch of Solidarities boosting a Deepspace Berserker for a final, devastating blow. The weirdness of her teachers and principal had briefly put a damper on her high spirits, but she eventually rationalized that they would just end up making her stay even more fun. Her assignment to Wind was a bit discouraging (she had been hoping to make Light), but not unexpected, given the way her duel had ended up. Since she had been exploring around a lot, she was only just now going to her room, which turned out to be just next to the bathroom. [color=007236]"Joy of joys. I get to listen to people flush toilets all night. At least all the rooms are only meant for one person each."[/color] She thought, a bit peeved. Her sullenness changed when she heard a pair of male voices from an open door ahead of her (sounded like one was French, which was neat), and as she sped up a bit, she decided to pop in and say hi. [color=007236]"Hey, you guys are new here too, right? I figured I should start getting to know my fellow classmates. I'm Camryn Fraser."[/color] She stuck out a hand to shake, accompanied by a sunny grin.