Ben thought about how to respond to Zach about his words. Was he really deserving of the title of king? [color=fff200]"A king stands on equal grounds to his subjects and serves them as they serve him. I don't see you as the type to bend your knee to me. A friend though I could use and maybe you'd even like to be a part of my recently formed Team Awesome?"[/color] Ben said as he looked up at the ceiling and then towards the Light Dorm. Though he did wish the French boy's English was better he did have to correct him on one regard. [color=fff200]"No the knights don't stand together."[/color] Ben stated as he pulled out both Noble Knights Drystan and Laudsallyn. [color=fff200]"Laudsallyn kills his fellow knights to return to the field and or get noble arms from my deck. Drystan while he normally aims for his enemies he can also attack his own king. Sometimes chivalry is just a guise for betrayal. Though I don't play that way and I won't make my knights fall to their own blades if I can help it. I much prefer for Drystan to help Artorgius than slay him for a chance to make Medraut come back. Archfiends on the other hand aren't so sneaky about it but they have their comradery. Think about it for a second. In the seeds of their hellish pandemonium they destroy each other but also revive another. Archfiend Command brings forth a bigger monster. Cavalry's death makes way for soldier. A fallen archfiend is fodder for his emperor to destroy another card on the field. They aren't evil they're just blunt instruments and do what nature dictates them to do. Just because something looks bad and acts that way sometimes doesn't mean they don't leave themselves open to comradely Zach. Even the darkest of people have a close spot for their friends."[/color] Ben stated to Zach as he put the cards back into his deck and then grabbed Zach's hand for a firm and warm handshake coupled with a nod. However before he could do much else a young and pretty young girl popped up in his door way. [color=fff200]"Oh another guest? I'm quite the popular guy now aren't I? Well it's nice to meet you Miss. I'm Benjamin Carson and I'm a new member of the Wind Dorm. Thanks for coming by to see me. Also don't mind the posse running around scaring or air horning people they're just trying to throw away all that hesitation going around. It may agitate a couple people but a little agitation goes a long way to making a friend. I hope you're day is going well. My wet friend over here is Zach from the Light Dorm he's here because I ran into him and he wanted to get clean so I let him borrow my sink to wash himself up. He's french by the way so I hope you don't mind the accent I'm sure he's doing his best to talk in English."[/color] Ben said as he walked over to the new girl and offered her his hand in a friendly gesture.