Jordyn smiled at Cole as she walked the fact she wouldn't have to deal with that annoying Seelie helped her feel a little better. At the moment the Seelie and UnSeelie where still a little harsh towards each other, it was only five years since their tenth war had come to an end after all. "Thanks Cole I really appreciate it." She said before someone took the bags from Cole, and Jordyn gave the man that had simply grabbed her bag from Cole a strange look because she didn't know him. Though when he introduced himself as Cole's friend, and not some random strange person who walked over taking their bags and butting into their conversion. Jo gave him a sort shy smile. "Jordyn, nice to meet you too." She answered back quietly introducing herself as well. She smiled a little at Cole and nodded, as Drakon held the door open for them. Even though the Seelie's voice seemed nice when she said Jordyn's name it was so fake that Jo didn't even bother to answer back. She followed Cole into one of the rooms, making a face as she felt the throbbing in her ribs when she sat down. Instead of moving around or sitting back she simply sat on the edge of the bed. It still hurt a little to sit up straight without any support on her back, at the same time she had a feeling she knew what was wrong. That she wouldn't be able to be quiet with the pain it would cause to move around to get comfortable. She gave a small smile up at Cole trying pretend she was in pain when she asked if she wanted anything. "If you could bring me a piece of pizza. I would love you for like three of my years." She joked a little before watching her leave the room. As Cole left Jordyn lifted her shirt to look at her side in the mirror across from the bed. Her left side from the side of her breast down to her hip was colored red, black, and blue. Jo let out a small painful sigh as she dropped her shirt down and shook her head, only to stop feeling dizzy. It wasn't the first time that Jo had gotten her ribs broken, but usually it wasn't durning her time at school. She could still hear Drakon outside talking to the nurse, and though she couldn't help the painful whippers that came from moving around to steal the blanket and pillow from the other bed making a place for her to lean back on against the wall. She tried to keep them quiet as she grabbed her bag and putting it beside her as she leaned back as well as the pull up table so she wouldn't have to move very much. She pulled out her Co Existing with Humans book and a few notes, starting to read as she waited for the shifter nurse to get in. Jordyn really didn't expect Cole to bring Clary and Billie back with her, it made her feel slightly self-conscious about herself, and how weak she looked to be hurt a little. Still she gave a fake smile when Billie asked how she was feeling. "I keep telling you guys that I'm fine." She repeated herself once more only to frown and sigh when Billie said she had scared them. "I'm sorry, really Billie I'm fine. At worst I'm pretty sure I have a few broken ribs." Jo said softly feeling bad that she made them worry about her. "Is Alex okay?" She looked to Clary before blushing at the words Billie was saying about Alex caring for her and shook her head slowly. "He didn't scare me really, I was just worried it hurt him. I'm glad that he will be alright then." Jo said a relived look on her face, in fact as weird as it might have been, scared was the fairest thing from what she was. Soon the man that they had said was Lucifer came into the room too, and she gave an awkwardly shy smile toward him blushing even more at him saying that she had to be special to Alex. "Oh, um thank you. And I'm fine." She said softly when he gave her a healing acceleration potion before leaving. Jo looked up at Clary after Billie and Lucifer left the room, about to tell her that she was perfectly able to go back to her classes. When the the shifter nurse came in. "Yes, Jo would really appreciate that. As I will be keeping her here to be sure she doesn't have a concussion from hitting her head on the floor." She said her voice nice yet stern and she had another pillow in her hands, sitting it the edge of the bed before walking back out. Jordyn frowned a little watching the nurse before sighing. "I have history with Delia. If its not to much of a hassle could you get my book for me to?" She asked her tone a little sad, it was bad enough she was hurt but now she was going to miss the first day at the class. After Cole and Clary left as well Jordyn let out a slow sigh starting to eat her pizza. She really wanted to get up and go check on Alex herself. But something told her he would need rest, plus the nurse wouldn't let her leave either way. She felt a nudge at her leg and smiled down at Blaze. "Hey there Blaze, you want up here?" Jo asked, her voice picking up a little at the sight of the hound before moving her legs so Blaze could have room. Tearing off a piece of crust with some cheese and sauce, she leaned with the bite in her open palm. "Are you allowed to have people food? Don't lie now and get me in trouble." She said laughing a little bit. Once the bite was taken she started softly petting the hound talking to it like she was a person. "Can I tell you a secret, and you not tell anyone because its weird?" She asked softly her nails gently scratching behind Blaze's ears. "When Alex was mad and all lit up like his hell fire. He was kind of pretty." -- The other vampires were whispered to themselves as Logan and Zach walked up to the table however, it came to a stop as the two of them sat down. Logan sighed looking around the table at them. "Well?" He asked and one of the girls, Rose, spoke up. "Do you know if that little fae girl is okay? We was tempted to ask Billie, but was afraid it could taken wrong." She whispered the last part quietly beside Logan where only he could hear. Logan shook his head looking over at her before around the table. "I haven't heard anything about the fae, I know that Clary and Cole helped her out of the gym but that's all." He said with a sigh. "Like I told Zach, I'm sure that we will hear something about later or tomorrow. Hopefully there won't a feud started with the UnSeelie over this." "Little fae got what she deceived dating one of those two." Another vampire said, he had been one of the ones that had been a hundred percent siding with Devin in the feud. Logan's eyes reddened a bit before they went back to normal, it wasn't the his fault, he was a moron. "I'm sure that if one of the demons had beamed down your Elemental girlfriend." Logan countered calmly, shutting the other vampire up and getting a dirty look. "It doesn't matter who the fae was dating, what Delvin did was uncalled for. None of the demons have ever went after our different raced girlfriends or boyfriends without a cause." "And that's why when you find Delvin you are going to put him in his place. Right Lo." Jackie said walking taking a sit across from him. Logan looked to her and nodded. "I plan to, it seems a bit over due. He's forgotten his place, we don't need the feud starting again." He answered before his eyes caught Billie leaving. Logan had really wished that he could have talked to her. Find out if Alex was alright, if Jo was okay, and if there were going to be repercussions for this act. But most of all, most important to him, if she was going to be okay. "That true, that isn't what we want to start the feud up." Jackie said getting Logan's attention again before she reached across the table and pulled at his collar showing the others the mark from his burn, though now it was simply a little red spot. It no longer hurt and if it hadn't been a dragon that had done it, it would be gone by now. "The fact one of their new blood did this to you for no reason is what is going what causes this again." She said matter of factly, none of the others were surprised to see it. It had been what they were whispering about before. Logan moved away from her touch frowning. "Jacqueline, leave it alone. It will be taken care of." He said before taking his tray, dumping it, and leaving. He wanted to get his stuff out of his old dorm and into the one he shared with Clary now, before he told Jackie. Logan knew she would be pissed. Honestly, as bad as it might have sounded, he couldn't care less. He knew that Clary was excited to have him as a roommate, even if she didn't have time to show it, and he was actually a little excited too. Though he knew if he told Jackie first she would break everything he had still there. -- Jackie frowned at Logan when he told her to leave this thing alone with the demons, but there had not been any reason that she knew of. Jackie was smarter than she seemed and sometimes acted. She knew that Logan didn't have the same level of feelings towards her as she did him. She was also well aware that Logan had the same feelings towards Billie as before, that was why she had started following him, to keep him safe from that slut. And Jackie wasn't going to sit back and let her Logan get hurt, not do anything about it, like Billie was doing. Jackie waited until the small group of new blooded demons left the cafeteria before giving a look towards a few of the other vampires at the table. They nodded quietly and and got up following the small group out. A few moments later there was a lot of yelling and fighting in the hall. If it had been any other two races fighting Heather would have stayed and watched the fight. But instead she went looking for Billie, finding her in the gym, but she couldn't hear her the first time. At least not until the shield or whatever was gone. "Hello, earth to Billie!" She screamed angrily her voice picking up allure as she did on its own. Though she straightened herself up a bit as Billie looked at her. "There's a fight going on and your new toys are getting their asses kinda kicked, love." She said her voice a little quieter. -- Logan had been moving the things that was important to him first, even though he had the rest of the lunch break and next period which was one of his free. He moved his blood shelf, his drawing stuff, and a few other things into the dorm first. There was still quite a few things of his, an some of his clothes left to move. When Zach came and got him telling him about the fight. Logan was pissed himself now as he headed towards the hall outside of the cafeteria. He had told her to leave it alone! He told her it would be taken of! Jackie should have listened to him, instead of going and attacking a group of new bloods! When he got to the hall the ArchMage, Harlow, Ravenswood the teacher from BL, and maybe a few other teachers had pulled the groups apart. Harlow and Ravenswood was still with the Archmage and Jackie was angrily saying that this had nothing to do with Devin. Logan started to make his way through the large crowd of vampires that stood really. Jackie pointed at Billie as Logan made his way to the front. "This is about that bitch having one of her new blood bastards attack Logan this morning when he was coming back to our dorm." She said loudly to the Archmage. "I'm not going to let her have him attacked. I never should have listened to him when he said we should stop fighting." "I told you to leave this alone Jackie, this is already being taken care of." Logan said his voice gravely and his eyes a dark crimson color from his face it was clear that he was pissed. "I never said that either of the Sanders had anything to do with this."