[@suku] ~Lynette Baines~ [color=a187be]"Skully is a ghost type, obviously! I found him when he was just a baby little Duskull. The little guy doesn't really get along with other people so well, unfortunately though."[/color] She sighed, her grin fading into a momentary frown, just as Wisp plopped itself down on her head, gazing across the room at Mika. The pokemon gave both her and Valzy a friendly wave. [color=a187be]"He loves me though! A little too much sometimes I think."[/color] She giggled, hiding her mouth behind one of her hands as her usual grin returned. [color=a187be]"So what are you here for?"[/color] She questioned, though she didn't particularly care if she got an answer or not. She was mostly just curious as to why someone would bother coming to this place at all, considering she didn't really wish to attend herself, but her parents insisted and Chuckles had agreed with them...so she reluctantly agreed. Skully was against it as much as she was, though. Dolly didn't care one way or another, and Wisp was just as happy here as anywhere else. [@Oz] ~Abigail Blanchett~ This. Little. Bitch. In any other circumstance, being called cute may have quieted her down really quick, especially if the person calling her that meant it. But right now? This guy...she was gonna give him a piece of her mind. A smirk right on her face, she walked right over to him - once again glad that she was fairly tall, especially for a girl. Gliscor jumped onto her back again, giving Leos an equally challenging stare, leaving the leftover apple on the bed. [color=662d91]"You don't sound convinced."[/color] She calmly replied, but there was a definite edge to her voice. [color=662d91]"I'd be more than happy to [i]thoroughly[/i] give you a good trashing if you want me to."[/color] Flit clicked her claws in a somewhat menacing manner, probably just as eager to prove that she was better than him or his pokemon. She hoped he did accept her little challenge. If he didn't, in her opinion he was just all talk and no substance then. Just a weak little trainer who was too afraid to accept a challenge.