It's interesting how those preaching tolerance turn out to be the least tolerant of them all. Never met a Liberal online or IRL that hasn't responded violently to having their dogma questioned, usually with valid statistical evidence. Intelligent people have no need to respond with berserker fury and name-calling, they respond with counter-arguments and provide statistics with which to further that counter-argument. Also calling your opponent gay is a valid tactic. Is evidence-based debate even accepted by Liberals/Left-leaning individuals as proof? It seems to me like everytime that a more-intelligent individual posts some factoid which dispels Liberal propaganda, they wave a magic wand, put on some truth-shielding sunglasses and invalidate it. [quote]However, since the dawn of the Great Depression, liberalism has essentially abandoned its former principles in favor of currying support with economically depressed and ethno-social minority voters. This shift picked up considerable steam during the 1960s, in which a slew of federal macroeconomic interventionist programs were enacted for the purpose of creating a more equitable society. After most of these went on to become abject failures, for example, affirmative action, which forced many employers to hire based on stringent racial quota systems, liberalism’s fiscal policies summarily fell out of favor with the general voting public. They were retooled and revitalized with mildly conservative ideas by a group of forward thinkers during the early 1990s, however, and produced a booming economy which remained remarkably dynamic throughout the remainder of the decade. By the time the late 2000s occurred, though, liberalism had once again resorted to interventionism, an action which produced an incredibly strong conservative electoral backlash that effectively fractured its near-total dominance on Capitol Hill.[/quote] This concise assessment of Liberal ideology is mostly true, except for the fact that there was no sudden influx of conservatism in the 90s. I would know, my favorite band is Nirvana. Liberals perpetuate overbearing, Federal-nanny programs under the guise of social justice and "civil rights," which really means [i]"DO WHAT WE WANT OR YOU'RE WRONG." [/i] But all of that would be fine, if they could just accept another's God/Darwin-given right to have a different opinion.