[color=#bb0000]"Awright, food! Thank you, miss!"[/color] Arianna wasted no time tearing up her plate. She carved up her meat, nibbled her corn, demolished her potatoe, and any onlookers barely saw a flash of green on her plate before she plopped it in her mouth. Needless to say, she had completely finished her plate within mere minutes, leaning back in her chair, her hands resting on her stomach, pleased with the taste of the food and the feel of a full belly. [color=#bb0000]"Oh yeah, that's the stuff..."[/color] Arianna would often visit the Greenleaf Lodge at least twice a season to fill up on good food. She herself could not cook to save her life, and would otherwise have to settle for the large supply of Instant Ramen that she had brought with her. She could stand them, but bland cardboard-flavored noodles sitting in a broth of water and powder for all three meals of the day could certainly get old. And now, for some socializing! It was a party after all, and what's a party without meeting some new faces. And one girl in particular caught her eye: A new face in town by the looks of it. She was dining on a juicy, delicious looking roast (admittedly, Arianna had noticed the food on the woman's plate before he actually saw the girls face), and sipping on a glass of tea. She looked pretty dainty and fragile, seemingly not cut out for the country life of Sugar Pine. And to add to the oddities... Was that a cloak she was wearing? Well hey, to each their own. Arianna nodded, standing up with her small glass of whiskey, leaving her belongings and empty plate unattended to return to later. As she walked to the new faces table, she took a sip of her drink for good luck before sitting down across from her, leaning over the table so her voice could possibly be heard a little more clearly. [color=#bb0000]"Well hey there! Excuse me if I'm wrong, but you look like a new face in town."[/color]