[h2]Luke Schwarz -- Deliberations[/h2] [b]"Not here."[/b] he replied to Lauren's first query from within the inner portion of their group, having been quickly decided a liability on the outside given his lack of defensive capabilities or enhanced senses. [color=fdc68a][i]Not that I disagree with it. I should have at least used the flashlight function of the scroll from in there, though... Hindsight's 20/20.[/i][/color] Folding his arms across his chest and staring deeply into the split of the path, Luke began to do what Luke did best, what Luke always did, and what Luke had become somewhat infamous for doing too much: Weighing options. [b]"Well, if we end up splitting..."[/b] he began, gaze sweeping round to take in the group at large for a moment.[b] "It'd make the most sense to have the leaders each go down a path, to start with."[/b] Simple sense, stuff that even April would be able to come up with. By having each team's leader on the two paths, they could keep in constant contact and report their findings to one-another in real time. To not do so would result in them being cut off, unable to call for help. In other words, a death sentence in this scenario. [b]"From there, though..."[/b]