[center] [color=f7941d]~Charlotte Lachance~[/color] Thankfully, she didn't have to wait long for her food. The juicy roast was probably more than she could eat by herself, if she had to be honest. Still, it looked delicious and she wasn't about to let it go to waste. Smelled delicious too, and the tea was the same. The lady - she supposed she was the Innkeeper. She hadn't met most of the people in town yet, only moving in recently. She should thank the lady for the food and the tea. "Not exactly old enough to drink." She replied with a small sigh. Well, at least she didn't think she was anyways. She wasn't sure she could stand alcohol even if she was old enough though. She was enough of an airhead at times even without being drunk. Making that worse was probably not exactly a good idea. Although...maybe alcohol could be used for something in her studies? There was an idea for later, definitely. She should make a note in her little journal. She went about opening the journal with one hand, and flipping the pages with a thumb, picking up a fork and getting a piece of the roast and stuffing it into her mouth, not really noting the taste at the moment. For now she was too busy focusing on reviewing her notes. If she had been paying attention, she would have immediately been able to tell that this was possibly one of the best damn things she had ever eaten. Unfortunately, she was too focused. At least, she was trying to focus when some loud-mouth idiot sat down across from her. The young alchemist tried to ignore her at first, burying her nose closer to the journal. Ignore her, and she'd go away. Yep. They always went away if she ignored them. At least, that's what the other kids back home did. Unfortunately, she also got the feeling that this woman wasn't going to leave her alone. With a small sigh, she closed the book - stuffing it back into her cloak. [color=f7941d]"Yeah, and if I am?"[/color] She replied to Arianna sharply, sounding a tad bit annoyed. She was just a little bit, but she really shouldn't have been. [color=f7941d]"Uh...Charlotte. My name, I mean."[/color] She continued, sounding a bit less annoyed. [color=f26522]"My name's Charlotte. Moved into town recently, bought a house a bit close to the forest."[/color] [color=00a651]~Grady Keefe~[/color] [color=00a651]"Thanks, Willow! Looks delicious is ever."[/color] Grady said with a smile when Willow returned with his food. And it sure did indeed. Of course, he'd say everything Willow and her grandmother made was delicious - mostly because it was. He was an average cook at best, to be perfectly honest, but every now and then he'd whip something up himself with vegetables and fruits he grew himself. What better way to see how his crops were doing? [color=00a651]"And thanks for the warning. Don't work too hard, now."[/color] As the Innkeep left, he dug into his food. And well, more importantly chug the alcohol that he had been given. Little known fact among the people here, was that he could rink a [i]lot[/i]. He wasn't exactly a big dude to be sure, but that had never stopped him from drinking back in his delinquent days. Hmm...maybe he should find someone to mingle with? Then again, the seat was really kind of comfortable. Getting up would be kind of a waste, really. [color=00a651]"Whew,"[/color] He said to himself, setting the whiskey back down. [color=00a651]"Perfect after a long day. Now all I could use is a nap."[/color] He leaned back in his chair, stretching and taking a look around the Inn. Hmm...there were a few people sitting by themselves, so maybe he could go say hi? Then again, it really was rather busy tonight because of the festivities. He wondered if Willow would want some help? He took another drink of the whiskey. Ahah, that stuff was really good after a day of work. Hmm...what to do?... [/center]