[hider=Rowan Campbell] [h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Rowan Campbell[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]16[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]A 5’9 teen of an average - if kind of wiry physical complexion with scruffy hair, Rowan looks like your average white trash type from Verthaven’s Iron District. From a glance it's clear he's not a heavyweight and even if he was a little meatier he wouldn't be too imposing at that height. [Url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/life-is-strange/images/d/da/Frank.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/210?cb=20150831185718]Unkempt, his hair is a dirty blonde whilst along his jawline is a thin veil of blonde stubble that one day threatens to turn into an equally scruffy beard[/url] and he possesses a set of sharp, blue eyes[/indent] [b]Attire:[/b] [indent]When he's not wearing the uniform - which is often the case, he'll lean towards wearing a jacket for the colder Alaskan weather as well as a pair of cargo pants and working boots.[/indent] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [indent]Growing up in a rough neighbourhood in a broken home's taught Rowan a couple of delinquent skills, from cracking simple locks to getting into cars (the older ones, at least) without setting off the alarms and so on. Also, whilst it's not exactly a quality one could boast about, Rowan has a rather high level of endurance and is capable of taking more than a couple punches and still pulling himself back up to his feet. Years of physical abuse have conditioned him with a somewhat higher pain threshold than your average teen and it also translates to a psychological effect - no matter how beat he is, [i]nothing[/i] will pull him down if he's set his mind to something and he's more likely to break than bend.[/indent] [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] [indent]Hailing from the poorer districts of Verthaven, Rowan was another textbook case of a kid coming from a broken home, the only difference being that this kid had powers and their family happened to Iron Cross. To be specific, Rowan’s father had very close ties to the group from his time in prison and throughout upbringing of his son he'd attempted to embed a similar set of bigoted views through years of domineering and abuse. His mother also suffered the same treatment if not worse, leading the two of them to endure years of abuse under the old man’s roof. It wasn't until after he hit his early teens that it came to a head - the old man had come home drunk yet again after another night out with ‘his brothers of iron’ and had taken a disliking to his demeanour and started hurling abuse. When Rowan shot back, this made him angry and he looked ready to throw the bottle at him until his wife intervened, instead becoming the new target of his ire as she took a heavy beating for it. Then something snapped. Years of abuse and resentment came bubbling to the surface - Rowan practically threw himself against the old man and laid into him blow after blow, until the stress of the situation ‘activated’ his powers and in a rage caused him to unintentionally send a metal frame flying into the old man and fatally snapping his neck. It didn't take long for the authorities to realise what had happened, especially when he tested positive for the metahuman gene. NEST quickly took custody of him after the truth of his circumstances was revealed and given the duress he'd been under, it was determined that he had not intentionally killed the old man and was in clear need of a stable environment. Initially, he was supposed to attend the academy in Verthaven but it soon became apparent that this left him open to being approached by elements of the Iron Cross or worse and he was often seen outside of education, doing anything but learning. In the end, as a drastic but ultimately necessary measure he was sent to Academy 218 in secluded but stable Alaska, far away from his troubles back home where he couldn't run away from his issues, and a fresh start. [/indent] [h3][u][b]Power Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Elemental[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [indent]Electromagnetic Manipulation: Rowan can generate a rather powerful electronic field in order to manipulate his surroundings. Magnetised metallic objects can be moved around and have force exerted upon them at will, whilst he also has an overall sense of directiin (like a living compass) and can detect other magnetic fields. In addition to this, he's capable of 'seeing' the path of electrical currents and interfering with electronics by manipulating said magnetism.[/indent] [b]Limits:[/b] [indent]For one, there's a limit to the strength and radius of the fields he can generate and manipulate. He wouldn't be able to lift a truck off the ground, but with the proper focus and training he could learn to generate more concentrated fields, allowing him to deflect metallic projectiles.[/indent] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [indent]Excessive use of his power to the point of overexertion can cause him to suffer intense migraines and nosebleeds. If he pushed it even further he'd pass out from exhaustion. Also, being encased in a faraday cage or a similarly insulating enclosure can hinder the effectiveness of his powers. Oh, and unshielded CCTV cameras don't seem to like being around him.[/indent] [h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT][/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent][b]Tess Campbell[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Mom[/b] | "I miss her. Wish those fuckers had let her come with me.”|[/indent] [h3][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/h3] [list][*]It's not a major concern just yet, but Rowan's had a growing reliance on painkillers to alleviate the migraines he suffers as a result of the stubborn overexertion of his powers. Just something to be noted for future reference. [*]Whilst he's nowhere near the die-hard bigot that his old man was, Rowan's upbringing leaves a little something to be desired when it comes to people of other ethnicity or sexuality. That doesn't mean he'll recoil in disgust at the sight of someone of a different race and start spouting white supremacist chants, rather he'd just find himself acting awkwardly or uncomfortable with the situation if there is a problem. He's a work in progress for NEST, but yeah. [/list][/hider]