UserName: Demonic Angel Character name: Keri Wolf Age: 21. The reason for coming to the college is that she’s searching for answers to what is happening to her. Mageblood type: Hydromancy Favoured Magic Class: Aqua Previous Magic training: Novice Race: Vampire Appearance: Keri wears a red ribbon which sticks out in with her dark brown hair. She has ruby red lips naturally from her time as a human. Keri is petite in figure build. She wears a wooden carving of a wolf necklace which was made by her brother before her family’s untimely death. She is Narsean human which helps this sentimental object take attention off her red eyes. Keri is 5'9” tall. On her right her up towards the sleeve of the tunic is a tattoo of a vine with thorns, her family crest long since forgotten. Keri has three swords wher, two solemnly used swords which held links to her father and older brother spirits. Her main sword was linked to her mother’s spirit. The main items she usually has on her is her carving knife with a hunk of wood, and her favorite necklace. Short Bio: Keri Wolf’s childhood was normal and fair. She was the youngest of three siblings all of which was adopted. Keri was the only girl in the family so she was somewhat spoiled by their mother. She grew up with best friend Satori in Djarkel during her childhood so she has experience with her oddness. Growing up she was taught by her father on how to defend herself a little bit with a carving knife when she wasn't helping her family’s wood carving. Keri’s older brother’s were what their mother claimed to be troublemakers. The children all were close to age, a year apart, in fact. They would each take turns going to catch something small to frighten each other to their hearts content. Close as they were as children was soon adults with different attentions on hand. Her oldest was married to a woman just a few days younger, with his first child on the way still being part of the family business. Keri’s second oldest was engaged to a woman with a per started family. Her second eldest decided on a clergy life when the attack happened. Keri was easy going as a teenager but was in trouble a lot since she hung around Satori. Not much happened throughout her teen years which are mainly faded from her memories except for one event. On her 21 birthday her family was slaughtered by a nest of vampires. On instinct she fought back not knowing how dangerous her attacker was. Keri never knew, she was bitten on the her right hand, by a vampire until a constant headache to sunlight for the morning hours of the days. In a panic she headed to her long lost friend’s last know location, which helped her begin the journey to discovering her powers. As the thirst floods her mind Keri is often found carving at the wood in her pocket as well as applying other attributes to keep the sharp. Good Attributes: easy going, observant, helps those who are in trouble, soft hearted, kind, mostly cool headed, great of getting out of sticky situations, tries to avoid violence, good with different people, loves animals Bad Attributes: sunlight, hatred against any vampire outside the college walls, keeps feelings in check, which let out the outcome is dangerous, for whoever is in her way, cruel manner of speaking, thirst for revenge Secret Word: rebirth