[color=fff200]"I got a group of fellows together who were impressed by my match earlier and went to go rile up some of the dorm mates. Nothing says family like air horns right? No not really I'm kidding, I just wanted to mess with them get them to loosen up a bit. They, the group I just made, wanted to be my friends so I figured why not make 'em my bros and sis? Calling ourselves Team Awesome. Yeah lame name but that's what happens when you give me all of six seconds to think up a group name."[/color] Ben said with a chuckle as he pointed down to the hall as Marie Ann came back blushing and looked around, [b]"I kind lost track of our friends sir."[/b] the young girl blushed looking a bit ashamed as Ben shook his head. [color=fff200]"Don't worry about it Marie those guys will probably get back here soon enough when they tick off the wrong dormie and get chased down the hallway. It's like college. Except without any of us drinking illegally...hopefully. But yeah sorry about that Camryn. I'm a bit of a loose cannon but I'm a nice guy once you get to know me. And I'm not always like this so please don't go profiling me based off...whatever just happened. So feel free to come talk to me anytime. That being said you're free to chill out with me until I get a hold of my new crew. As for frenchy well I don't know Zach well enough could be the dude is shy. Could be he finds you cute who really knows right?"[/color] Ben said with a grin and a chuckle. [color=fff200]"I hope I don't seem like a lunatic too you I just tend to get stick with whatever is thrown at me. In this case I got a Light Dormie walking into me, and a group of younger kids who like me because I talk a lot."[/color] Ben said as Marie Ann looked up at Camryn as she adjusted her glasses slightly.