Greetings, Since we're having a healthy batch of complaints, allow me to "bitch" about something I encounter on a daily basis in the godforsaken locale I am stuck in. Read it if you so desire. People do not know how to fucking drive. Period. Freeway on-ramps are built to provide drivers with the opportunity to reach the appropriate speed before actually getting on the freeway. Put your damn foot on the pedal, and make sure you hit sixty before you actually get on the freeway. Having to cross the solid whites, and the warning strip because some asshole in their Mercedes can't read is simply irritating. This leads me to another irritating notion - if you are going to buy a fancy car learn to drive it. Despite posted speed limits, local customs country wide generally dictate you are doing at least five over or get the hell out of the way. On another note, if you are doing exactly the speed limit get the hell out of the left lane. It is a passing lane. Move your happy ass over. What really irritates me is the fact that as soon as we get a dusting of snow everyone turns full retard and completely forgets how to manage their automobile. We get snow here a lot morons, it's not that big of a deal when the grass is still poking through. Point your car, hit the pedal, and get the hell out of my way. As always any comments, criticisms, or questions are welcome.