His old memories strung back into his head especially the words Hayato said, [b]"That doesn't seem like a request I can reject!"[/b] Shinrei closed his eyes but the expression on his face showed that he was pleased that he agreed to his request. This was the first time he had actually ever allowed anyone near his sister, but he sensed himself inside Hayato for some reason. He couldn't really explain since it was such a strange feeling that he didn't have the words for. He had a flashback of his last duel he had participated on the World Circuit. His opponent was Shimazu Osafune. He had remembered that he put the previous opponent in a coma, but didn't exactly know how it happened or why. The committee ruled it was a malfunction with the solid vision system. His opponent grinned because he had four monsters on the field and three face-down cards and Shinrei had absolutely no cards left on the field. [b]"Why don't you give up?"[/b] Shimazu smirked since he pretty much held a large advantage. Shinrei held three cards in his hand but that was it and the odds were stacked against him. He had no face-down cards and no monsters on the field. He had only 1800 LP remaining though he wasn't one who quit until the last card was played. His opponent told him to go ahead and summon the monster already. That his powerful fusion card wasn't going to save him from his ultimate defeat. He then played the Spell Card Mage Stone Excavation. He discarded two cards to recover one Spell Card from his graveyard. The Spell Card he selected was the Quickplay Spell Reload. He activated the card and sent his three cards back into his deck and drew three new ones. Alas, he had drawn the last two cards he needed to win the duel. He played the Spell Card Void Overload which allowed him to reduce his monster's attack points by 500 and add a counter to his card. He reduced it by a 1000 and put two more counters on the card. He could finally summon the monster he used in the last duel to the field and finally end the duel. He had one last card in his hand which would allow him to bypass the effect of his card when it was summoned onto the field. First he removed five counters and then removed from play the three material monsters and summoned his ultimate monster onto the field. When he did this he activated its effect which destroyed all cards on the field except it. Three counters were added to the card and he played the Quickplay Spell End Game which allowed him to negate the effect that prevented him from attacking with the card immediately by sending the top five cards of his deck to the graveyard. He was finished the person off brutally with a very dangerous look on his face and sadistic smile. He was about to return the card back to his deck when something happened and the card went out of control. It tried to attack the crowd, but he caught a glimpse of his sister who stepped in front of it where he returned to reality not before screaming Tsukiko's name. [b]"DAMMIT NO!!! WHY!!! WHY!!! WHY!!! WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN!!! NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! CURSE THIS DECK!!!"[/b] He pleaded in apparent anger as he had finally returned from the flashback he had earlier. There were tears in his eyes, but he wasn't even aware that they were there. [b]"Why is that memory haunting me again? That damn deck I was given was meant to hurt people... Worse enough I hurt my own sister with it. To think I enjoyed destroying people with it for my own pleasure, what the hell was wrong with me!?"[/b] Shinrei questioned not particularly talking to Hayato at all. He didn't literally destroy them. Just brutally defeated them where they were knocked unconscious. [b]"I'm sorry, I need to step out. The reason I am here is to finally uncover why a certain card I used during the World Circuit went out of control. I am also looking after my sister, but that is the main reason. Once I find out the reason I will return to the circuit and fulfill my sister's promise I made her. To create her a paradise outside of my family's influence!"[/b] He yelled at the end of that statement showing that he did not particularly like his family, but he didn't really say why. [b]"Fair enough, I will watch her when I can."[/b] He agreed to the request to watch over Hayato's sister as he showed Hayato out putting the album he left him on the table which he would look at later then as he locked the room telling him later as he grabbed a card and put it in between his two fingers as he walked away heading toward the elevator so he could go outside for awhile and collect his thoughts. When he made his way toward the elevator, he noticed for a second he had passed by a blue haired girl turning his eyes for a second toward her then dropped the card he had in his hand on the floor in front of her as he made his way toward the elevator pushing the button. He thought to himself as he waited for the elevator to open. [i]That girl... No, it's nothing. She isn't important to my initial goal. I need to stop letting petty distractions from detouring my mind...[/i] [b]"Erm... No, it's fine. I mean, it's not fine, but, I can understand how it feels to be lonely... But, hey, let's not worry about it! You're in a new environment, and you'll probably make a ton of friends in our dorm! And, well, I'm here?"[/b] Haas tried his best to sound optimistic, giving off a pretty goofy smile in an attempt to try and cheer Tsukiko up. Tsukiko gave Haas a smile though her eyes were still pretty gloomy. Anytime she reflected on her past it was hard for her to pull herself away from it where she continually at times drowned herself with it. [b]"Thank you."[/b] Tsukiko said softly as she tried her best to show Haas a smile. She giggled a bit at him being silly so it was a sign that she was at least trying to be happy. Haas was an easy-going person that she didn't have to worry about hurting her. He was so polite that she knew he would comfort her which made her happy despite her eyes didn't want to really show it. [b]"Yeah, let's go get something! Hell, I'll race you if you're up for it. First one there gets to pick the other one's sandwich!"[/b] Haas awaited Tsukiko's reply, and if she was on board with the little race, would bolt for it the first chance he got. [b]"Sure. I'll give you a head start to be fair."[/b] Tsukiko agreed as she got ready and then started to walk to give Haas a head start. Since she was trained in martial arts she knew she could easily catch up to Haas in no time so it was only fair to let him go first.