The sudden bolting motion of the beetle caused Megumi to hold herself against the strange man tighter so that she didn't suddenly fly off the mount. She was surprised at how quiet the giant beetle was as it trekked the terrain, she would've assumed that it'd make more noise due to it's size. You learn something new everyday. They rode in silence for awhile, which comforted the half-katzheer more than it would anyone else who was just acquainted with someone. [color=ed1c24]"I'm a thief by trade. I'm just going where life leads me."[/color] She replied after a brief lull in conversation. She was finding it hard to understand what Raffey was saying, his accent was so.. strange and thick, but she somehow managed to translate it into proper words. [i][color=ed1c24]A monster hunter..Hmm.[/color][/i] She didn't actually know that much about monsters, other than the two-headed monstrosity that she saw at the festival. It sounded like a tough life, she figured that she was better suited for hunting wealth and treasures. She was busy trying to decipher what he was trying to say when they suddenly came to a stop. She looked over Raffey's shoulder, only to see a herd of massive quadrupeds burst from the treeline. Like Raffey, the colours seemed more interesting to her than the safety of her companions. They were huge. As huge as the beetle mount. She watched as they charged out of the trees. They looked.. scared? She watched as the Aaenshi and his wolf made a way through the herd with relative ease. The same couldn't be said for the knight that was crushed under the weight of more than a dozen hulking beasts. She cringed and looked away slightly, but kept looking from the corner of her eye. [color=ed1c24][i]Poor guy. He probably just wanted to get paid.[/i][/color] She sympathized with the now deceased pile of mince. She felt herself agreeing with her companion. Her mother said similar things when she came across 'less fortunate' people.