[b][center]Grand House of the Duke of Grudden Norfolkke, Grudden[/b][/center] It was a cold morning at the Grudden capital of Norfolkke where the northern current blew harshly on the large city. The surrounding mountains funneled the air into a cold vortex strong enough to knock a child off his feet. Only a few souls walked the streets during this early, frigid hours of the day. Those who were out wore thick coats and covered their bodies with what clothing they had to protect their bodies from the unmerciful cold winds. As the winds howled and a light blanket of fog covered the the city, three carriages and a lone horseman entered the city. The sound of horse feet walking on the cobblestone street the sight of the wealthy riding in their carriages were not uncommon in the city but the sight of foreigners were. Windows opened as natives of the city caught a glimpse of the lavishly adorned carriages and well dressed horseman. The first carriage was painted light-blue, a nobility of Corleonn. The next was painted light-green, a nobility of the Warrus region. The last carriage was painted gray, a noble from Nollin. The last one was difficult for the natives of the city to distinguish and attracted the most attention. The symbols on the badges on his clothes were unlike any seen by the natives. The were all heading for the Grand House of the Duke of Grudden. As they got closer, they were followed by the Duke's Grand Guards. The horsemen in maroon uniforms and bearing their muskets guarded the party. They entered the estate, they were greeted by the royal garden and they stopped at the marble stairwell leading to the grand house itself. There they were warmly welcomed by the duke of Grudden himself, several companions and more guards. "Greetings gentlemen, greetings. I'm sorry the weather couldn't be better but in a few hours or so, it should warm up." Duke of Grudden and current leader of the alliance, Ferras Kollin II, said. "Still better than weather in Denparkke." jest Duke Amadeus Russeus Kavlar of Warrus as he stepped out of his carriage. The parliament leader of Warrus, Sir Daennis Koplar, chuckled at this as he too stepped out. "I hope you at least have some warm drinks or some wine inside. I feel that I would die of frostbite any minute now." Duke Devrick Lovarr Ollisius of Nollin said, shaking as he got out of his carriage. "I told you to bring at least a warm coat good Duke, but you would not listen." Sir Jodann Coppish, leader of the parliament of Nollin, humorously remarked. "Please come inside, all of you. My house is far warmer then the weather here outside." Duke Kollin II invited them inside. As they got inside, the Duke's servants accommodated to their every need. Inside the house, different nobles of Grudden would indulge themselves with every pleasure they wished. They drank the finest Aznavorian wines, they smoked the finest tobacco imported from Bennipolis. They wore the finest clothes from around the continent. On a usual they, the halls of the building would be filled men and women indulging in sexual satisfaction but not today as they were guest. This was a far cry from the teachings of the church of Altaiya that they claim to worship. In fact if any of the priest of Aznavor came to any of the alliance capitals, they would be disgusted with how the nobles acted. From the look of the Aznavorian ambassador told Duke Kollin II that he may have been disgusted or at least shocked at what he was seeing. "Sir Martin is it?" Duke Kollin asked. The man nodded and introduced himself formally. "It is a pleasure meeting you good sir. Welcome to Grudden and I hope you enjoy your stay here. I understand that you have some important matters to discuss with me and the rest of the alliance but we must discuss our own private matters first. I'm sorry for this and we will talk later. As for now, why don't you enjoy the company of my daughters. I'm sure they would make you at home." Duke Kollin II called his daughters, all 15 of them. They approached their father and the diplomat slowly and elegantly. They wore the finest silk that their father could find for them and wore the finest fragrances from across the land. Their ages ranged from 37 to 15. They clearly neared themselves towards the ambassador. "Ladies, this is Ambassador Martin of Aznavor. Give him good company as me and my companions discuss business. Take good care of him." Duke Kollin II said to his daughters and nodded at the ambassador. Clearly the man was fighting temptations but was weakening. As Duke Kollin II turned around, he had a sly smile on his face he could not restrain. The Duke of Grudden entered the chamber were the other men were waiting. They had been served wine to combat the cool climate. "Gentlemen, shall we begin?" Duke Kollin II asked. "What happened to the boy?" Asked Fredrick Von Mannchier, leader of the parliament of Corleonn. "The ambassador is in the company of my daughters. He would join us once we are done with our discussions." The Duke of Grudden answered. "With your daughters? Those women? Poor soul, once he gets back to his home, he would be killed by their inquisition." Remarked Duke Kavlar. "What happens here, stays here. There's no need for our uptight friends to the north to know of one of their own's actions here. Now, shall we get down to business. I'm sure most of you know why we are all here today." "Because that fool Von Klibb is going to get ran off by his people if we do not help. That man had Corleonn inso much debt that it almost toppled the Duke and the parliament. How that man became in charge of an entire country is beyond me." Von Manchierr said. "He did modernize our army and our navy and we did manage to bail your duchy before those merchants started a revolt." Duke Kollin II said. "But why should we risk our neck for him? We don't need a larger army and the one he offers isn't very well trained." Responded Arssius Peckler, leader of the parliament of Grudden. "Because dear boy, we have no need of their army. What we need is their workers. The miners of our duchies grow smaller and smaller as they find it more profitable to be merchants of the sea. Without workers, we'd lose our only source of wealth." Duke Hemmlar V of Corleonn answered before Duke Kollin II could. "We need their cheap labor, those that wouldn't cause our mine owners too much trouble with wages. If we do that, we could tax them more." Kollin II answered. They argued about helping Dont for a good half hour or so but eventually, they agreed to send aid to the nation. An important question was then asked. "How much men do we send to Dont?" Duke Ollisius asked. "Half of the alliances regular army should be enough." Duke Kollin II answered. "Half of our army?! What of the Valentians to the south? What if they attacked us?" Asked Duke Ollisius. "If they attacked us, the wolves from the different corners of their country would charge at them. They would have to turn back as soon as they settle on our soil." Duke Hemmlar V answered. "So it's settled then? Aid the Dont government?" Duke Kollin II asked. A string of 'ayes' was his answer. "I guess we would send Lipeche himself in charge of the entire operation?" Asked Sir Coppish. "Yes, we shall see if he's rigorous training of our armed forces has paid off. A trail by fire." Duke Kollin II answered. The ambitious dictator was now about to have his chance to test his army. Kollin then called one of his servants and asked him to fetch the Azvanorian ambassador to the room. "Now we shall see if the Azvanorian would take this news pleasantly." Duke Kollin II said. "He doesn't, we could expect the rest of Azvanor to be recentful of our actions also."