[center][color=aba000][h2][b]Haas & Announcement that the free time is up.[/b][/h2][/color][/center] Haas had tried his best, but it seemed to cheer Tsukiko up only a little. Ah well... Being able to bring a person into even just a slightly better mood is a win, right? Seeing someone sad wasn't fun for anyone, especially not the person themselves. But hey... What did it matter? The guy had a race to win, darnit! [color=aba000][b]"Really? Well, don't mind if I do!"[/b][/color] turning on his heel, Haas burst into an instant sprint to be the one to get to the sandwiches first. For glory! ... And yet the guy still lost, Tsukiko easily closing the gap and taking the lead before Haas was even halfway through the hallway. [color=aba000][b]"N-No way..."[/b][/color] they mumbled to themselves, arriving dead last to the table of delicious goods. Seems like Tsukiko got to pick for the both of them... [color=aba000][b]"...Well, fair's fair! Just erm... Don't give me the worst one out of the bunch?"[/b][/color] Haas gave a sheepish smile, hoping that fate isn't a cruel mistress, and especially that the girl in front of him wasn't one either... [hr] [b]"Attention all students,"[/b] rang over the intercom [b]"the hour has come to a close. Those still waiting on their food can stay a little bit longer, the rest please make your way to your rooms. You have forty-five minutes to prepare whatever you still need to, afterwards we would like it if you were asleep."[/b] And so, the announcement ended alongside everyone's free time. [hr] Oh man, Haas couldn't believe it. Did he really waste that much time dawdling on his duel that the hour had already passed?! And he didn't even have his food yet... [color=aba000][b]"Seems like we can't stay much longer, huh..."[/b][/color] He kinda mumbled, the disappointment audible in his voice. [color=aba000][b]"Ah, well. Sorry for holding you up, Tsukiko. I'll just leave now..."[/b][/color] Haas rubbed the back of his neck, already having forgotten you could still wait on your food if you needed it and made his way back to his room. Man, he'd have loved to have spent just a little more time outside... Once the guy got into his room, the fact daunted on him they still hadn't unpacked. [i]Damn.[/i] And there was that form to fill out too... Ah, hell! This was bad... Haas quickly scrambled around in his stuff, just sort of haphazardly throwing it wherever it needed to go while not caring for how it looked. He'd just spend some time later to organize it all... His spare clothes he just shoved into the dresser, his toothbrush was miles away from the sink... A few, wooden figurines he had were just strewn across the tiny desk with no care for organization... Wait, his figurines? That's right! He could fill that in on his form... Haas bolted on over, grabbing a spare pen and quickly filling in two things: Wooden blocks to carve shapes out of, and a painting set. Both replenished every week. His pocket knife wound up somewhere in the room, he'd just use that to cut out the figurines with... Not that they had much choice in the matter, Haas didn't exactly have any more precise equipment. Before the guy knew it, they were dead tired, stumbling on over to the bed and just sort of... Collapsing on it. Completely forgetting to put on his PJ's, Haas dozed off before he even knew it. And also forgot to switch the light off. [hr] [center][color=7ea7d8][h2][b]Ethel[/b][/h2][/color][/center] Finally. The ruckus was going to quiet down. Ethel had been messing around with her D-Ciever a little, killing some time before everyone else had to go to their rooms. The noise outside was unbearable... The girl had already dressed herself in her sleeping wear, which consisted of nothing but her underwear. She grabbed the rabbit at her side and snuggled it a little, getting off of her bed to turn off the lights. Naturally, it was pitch black save for the few rays coming through the door cracks due to the entire dormitory being underground. It was clever, really, you could tell if someone was awake for the simple fact that you'd see light coming from underneath their door. Simple and effective. Ethel made her way back to the bed in the corner, still holding that plushy under one arm all the while. Snugly tucking herself under the bedsheets, she dozed off to get a good night's sleep. [hr] [center][h2][b]The next day.[/b][/h2][/center] Some people might have set an alarm clock. Truthfully, that wasn't a bad idea. But nobody could be prepared for what'd actually wake them up the next morning. Every single speaker you could find around the dorms activated at once, revealing a very energetic and familiar voice on the other end. [color=#cd3d11]"[b]EVERYBODY GET UP!![/b]"[/color] rang loud and clear, Melchior's voice blasting away anyone's ears. It wasn't the guy himself that actually said that though, it was an automated message that would play [i]every. Single. Day.[/i] At the exact same time. The academy thought it'd be a great idea, considering the guy never shut up as is anyway. A few minutes following Melchior's [i]lovely[/i] awakening, the intercoms flared up again, though this time only for the first year students. [b]"First years, please make your way over to the cafeteria on floor four within the next one-and-a-half hours. You will be able to eat breakfast there, afterwards please look to your Duel Trancievers for your lessons for the day."[/b] As soon as it appeared, the voice left again. Students had a bit of time to prepare themselves for the morning, being free to do whatever they wish until they went to get breakfast. Floor 4 was about what you'd expect in size, but the cafeteria was amazingly pretty. For being a mess hall, the walls and floor were pretty much polished until they shone, and the personnel behind the take-away counter didn't have a speck of dirt on their uniform. The room was neatly organized with round tables and a few counters alongside the walls, chairs of various lengths included to go alongside the various levels of tables. There were specific areas for 1st, 2nd and 3rd years, as well as an entire corner to the dark dorm, but the dorms themselves under the various years didn't seem to be split up. 1st years were furthest in the back, while 3rds were closest to the door. Students that came by elevator would see a line on the floor guiding them to the long table, which was filled up with various flavors of bread and things to go along with it. There didn't seem to be much more than bread on offer, and a lot of the sweeter things you could eat in the morning was left out. Everything was fresh though, and at the very end you could grab a few choices of drinks to go alongside it: Tea, Coffee, Orange juice, milk or just plain water if you preferred it.