Andre had spent his night trying to get to sleep in his overly comfortable bed, in this amazingly well kept room, with his warm and plump sheets wrapped around him...and he barely could sleep at all. It was so out of his comfort zone he felt like a normal person at one of those loli conventions where all those creepy lolicons gathered to celebrate their flat chested 2D goddesses. It made him feel unclean...even though he took a shower in a luxury shower with scented fucking soaps. Worst of all...the uniform. [color=ed1c24]"I swear to freaking Slifer The Sky Dragon that if I lose what momentum I lost yesterday I will castrate someone."[/color] Andre muttered as he looked into the mirror. He had his normally disheveled black hair combed, his blue eyes glowered back at him with disgust, and finally his bright yellow uniform which was clean and well kept made him look like a freaking pleb in the middle of some prep-school. Which technically this was except he was learning how to play a card game instead of god damn useful things. And Andre's neck...that was a problem. Andre searched around and found a red sash he had brought with him and wrapped it around his neck but in the process he had to keep his top button undone. He couldn't leave it uncovered so that would have to do. Andre found himself leaving his plushy dorm as soon as he could his duel disk strapped to his left arm and his deck hanging from his belt. He wore his black jeans today figured he'd at least keep some of his style. Andre found himself back in the cafeteria as he looked around and sighed. This morning was just going to keep getting better and better wasn't it? Andre didn't see Ben anywhere just yet so he decided that it would be best to just sit by himself somewhere in the corner. He got himself some orange juice and a meal to boot and parked himself in the corner leaned back into his chair and started to eat it quickly. He wanted to make sure he got through it quick.