[hider=Aegis] Aegis [b]Identity Matrix[/b] Name: Alexandros Moniker: Aegis Race: Demi-God (Human and Titan) Gender: Male Age: 15 Alignment: Lawful Good [b]Appearance Matrix[/b] Face: Aegis looks like a fairly ordinary teenager from Ancient Greece, his hair is a muddy blonde colour of medium length, and his skin is tanned olive. He doesn’t have any facial hair as of yet, he has bright blue eyes. His features are symmetrical and appealing enough to be called fairly attractive, though not immediately noticeable. Height: 5ft 6” Weight: 65kg Build: Wiry [b]Physical Traits[/b] Aegis has fairly remarkable physical traits for a young man, reaching the peak of human potential despite his misleadingly slight form. Aegis’s divine biology increases his resistance to pain, poison and disease, though it doesn’t grant immunity to any of those things. He is also able to survive extreme environments for longer periods of time than an ordinary human, hence the peak of human potential. Aegis’ blood is red and gold in colour, making it fairly noticeable. It also has the unique quality of regenerating wounds it comes into contact with, so bleeding wounds heal quickly on Aegis. Aegis has a natural affinity for combat and battle, as part of his warlike father’s divine blood running through him, hence his fairly impressive skill for a young man. [b]Skills[/b] Aegis can use a spear, a short sword and a hoplite shield with some competency. He can throw a javelin with decent accuracy. He can use a sling. [b]Abilities[/b] Son of Atlas Aegis’ special abilities come from his father, the Titan Atlas. They give him an inherent knowledge of the Earth around him and the ability to summon the Celestial Orb of Moon. Earth Sight: Aegis can sense any movement around him through vibrations of the Earth, he also has a completely accurate mental picture of the ground around him at all times at around 100 feet away from him in every direction. Moon Orb: Aegis can summon the Celestial Orb of Moon in particularly dire situations, a rocky orb about as big as a football. When utilized the Orb allows the user to manipulate the Earth around them in a radius around them. Due to Aegis’ inexperience he can only control the earth in a ten foot radius around him. Earth only applies to – Rock Stone Dirt Mud Sand And materials built up from a component of any of these things predominantly. Limitations – As the Orb is used it slowly reduces in size, if it reaches the size of a golf ball it becomes useless, showing that its power has been used up. The Orb can be fairly restrictive as it requires either concentration to maintain hovering or the physical holding of it in one or both hands. Entrapping Orb: The last resort ability of the Moon Orb, it may be thrown at an opponent and manipulated from range as if it were earth. Aegis uses this extra range attack to split the Orb into an incredibly durable wrapping that can restrain an opponent. The orb is used up and cannot be regained in its original form until midnight. Equipment: Bronze Panoply (Hoplite) armour and a bronze Corinthian helmet. Dory spear (6ft long) Aspis Shield (85 cm diameter) Xiphos short sword (55cm long) History Alexandros was born in Epirus in ancient times, shortly after the 12 trials of Hercules which was of course one of the main periods of time when Atlas was free from his burden of what was colloquially known as holding up the sky. During this time the Titan spread his seed as a back-up plan in case he failed to escape his eternal duty. Alexandros was one of the fruits of this plan, and unfortunately for Atlas he was indeed re-imprisoned. As one might imagine, Alexandros is from an Earth where mythology is very real and very dangerous. He was taken in by the people of his mother’s village in Epirus when she died birthing him, it was this act of kindness that ultimately made Alexandros, or Aegis as he became known at just 12, into a hero. He felt a debt to the vulnerable humans who had saved him, and though he knew very little of what he was he felt he could do something to protect them. Fast-forward three years and Alexandros has a grasp of the final piece of evidence he needs, discovering his father was in fact Atlas the Titan General and betrayer of the Olympians. He wonders now what his next step should be. [/hider]