[hr] [color=lightblue]You decide to check on the status of the life support. The screen blinks out a few numbers and percentages.[/color] [hr] [color=green] >Ships Life Support >....checking.... > > >! >Ships Atmosphere = Intact >Earthlike-------------------------------------------------------------------------Sh^ATMO >Nitrogen 78.084% 78.000% 74.200% >Oxygen 20.946% 21.000% 15.300% >Argon 0.934% 0.000% 0.000% >Carbon Dioxide 0.033% 0.000% 3.600% >Water Vapor 0.040% 1.000% 6.200% >Trace Elements 0.003% 0.000% xxxx >OK! >[sub]Life support is functioning and will continue to function[/sub] [/color] [hr] [color=lightblue][i]Well at least I got air to breathe...[/i] You notice a data-stick port below the keyboard and remember the one you found in your locker. You pop off the cap and insert the stick. A window appears on the screen.[/color] [hr] [color=green] >DATA LOADED >[sub]files[/sub] >Turbo_Lift_Key.exe >Cargo_L2_Key.exe[/color] >[color=red]vnmXXxTROJAN.exe[/color] [hr] [color=lightblue][i]Looks like some door keys and a virus...[/i] you think. Maybe you can use this to get to the Cargo Bay or the Ships Bridge. Not sure about that Trojan Executable though... You could also access the other computer files at the terminal.[/color] [hr] [color=red]Inventory [list] [*]Data-Stick (Cargo Key, Turbo Lift Key, Virus{Unknown}) [*]Small Med-kit [*]Blaster Pistol [*]Body-Armor [*]Utility Belt [*]Nutrient Pack 11G*8 [*]Multi-tool [*]flash light [/list][/color]