Megan woke up to the screaming of some infernal demon that caused her to roll out of bed startled and promptly slam onto the floor. "[color=red]Ow[/color]" She muttered to herself. What a great way to start off her day. Still rubbing her head Megan slowly got dressed and made her way outside. At least the uniforms weren't too bad, she would've liked to wear sweatpants and was debating the merit of disobedience but figured it wasn't worth getting in trouble on the first day. Following the instructions she arrived at the cafeteria via the elevator rather quickly. It looked like they had bread, bread, and... more bread. Goody, at least there was milk. Megan grabbed a couple slices of bread and a glass of milk before grabbing a seat and glancing at her red duel tranciever as she ate. They were supposed to get their lessons through this? Did they still like, go to classes and have teachers? On the other hand it might be fun not having to sit in a stifling classroom. Megan wondered what action dueling would be like, hopefully she'd be a little better at it than standard dueling, being a track star didn't exactly help in a game of strategy and luck.