[b]Name:[/b] Rhiannon Jones [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Average height for a woman, thin and toned from a lifestyle of manual labour with skin so pale she looks like a ghost, Rhiannon is someone you take notice of. Her hair is a deep red and long enough to fall past her shoulder blades when let loose although she'll almost always tie it up into a ponytail for practicality's sake. The brightness of her hair nearly washes out the colour of skin, perhaps it might if not for her blue-green eyes which add much needed colour to her ghostly features. She has large irises, giving her an innocent and trusting expression when at rest. Despite her apparent physical fitness, this young woman always seems to be slouching, almost cowering, as if expecting a blow to strike her at any given moment and her movements are furtive; short and quick in a manner designed to avoid attention. [b]Personality:[/b] Rhiannon has a nervous disposition and tends to avoid large crowds or interacting with people she does not know. She has very few safe zones and will not willingly venture out of them where possible. However, when pressed she can be quite the conversationalist demonstrating a quick wit and an enormous capacity for both empathy and sympathy. She will rarely act for others and looks to protect herself first and foremost, a pessimistic attitude that assumes that she will barely be able to do just that. [b]Backstory:[/b] Her story is not overly complicated, nor, sadly, unusual. Born into a family whose other members died during her pre-memory years, Rhiannon was shipped off to a distant branch of her grandparents' descendants who showed little interest in her existence. As far as they were concerned, she was another mouth to feed until she was old enough to be of use in the fields. She received a smattering of basic education, that which she obliged to be given by law, but nothing extra was spent on her learning that could be better invested in the family business which never seemed to be anything but on the verge of bankruptcy. When she left schooling age, Rhiannon was not given an option for furthering her studies despite her great many academic interests and her apparent capacity to pursue such topics; now she could work full time on the farm and there was not another option given to her. Any mention of interests that did not coincide with her aunt or uncle, or their children for that matter, was enough to earn a physical lesson in obedience. Rhiannon learned from a young age that nothing would come from voicing her concerns, opinions or hopes and so she kept her head down and worked as she was directed to. From the physical labour she gained strength and also a resilience, the result of physical and verbal beatings from her loving family. Then accidents began to happen. One of her cousins had an unfortunate encounter with one of the farm vehicles and the young girl was blamed and beaten. Two months passed and another apparently drank herself to death, her corpse found in the morning with a death-mask grin on her face. Rhiannon's family blamed her, for she had brought bad luck on them from the beginning, had she not? Of course, they took every opportunity to beat her. One of the local officials noticed the young woman's bruises, standing out stark against her white skin, despite her 'attempts' to conceal them. By the time she turned twenty, Rhiannon ran the family business with her remaining family too busy standing murder and domestic abuse charges to maintain the farm any longer. [b]Talents:[/b] Manipulation - Rhiannon knows how to push others' buttons and what character to play to get her way. Years spent under the thumb of an abusive family has corrupted her personality into one which thinks nothing of toying with others' emotions or livelihoods to benefit her own future. A good listener - She may be manipulative but this young woman can and does care for some people and is willing to sit while another talks away all their troubles, interjecting at moments to ask for details to express sympathy/outrage when required. Thanks to her own troubled life she understands pain and strife and will not judge others for the pasts they have endured. [b]Other:[/b] Rhiannon is bisexual although she has a hard time making any kind of connection with anyone, casual or serious.