[b]Name:[/b] Halbera [b]Race:[/b] Anuirean [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Birthday:[/b] 8th of Vermillio 274 DM [b]Birthplace:[/b] Ebonfort Capital [b]Resides in:[/b] Scream Watch [b]Occupation:[/b] Ebon Knight Lieutenant Mage Unit. 9GP/Day [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Halbera][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5b/66/bf/5b66bfa237933c5c256649137404c521.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] A woman of few words, and a strong backbone. She will seldom speak to others, but when she does it is usually of high importance. For her completing a mission is the most important thing, and will always come first the need of the Ebon Knight order will always come before the singular lives of her fellow knights or even herself if the issue were to come up. Her true passions come with Calligraphy where she calms herself as she finds peace in the simple motions of the writing, she also releases her pent up emotions through writing in a rather long winded set of books she writes of her exploits in a sort of bibliography. [b]History:[/b] The capital, a wonderful Utopia filled with only the greatest minds, craftsmen, and warriors of all the Ebonfort. Halbera was born to one of those very Warriors. A Warden in the Ebon Knights, one of the highest ranks achievable. While her mother was a artist making some of the finest paintings in the world. Her mother and father were deeply in love as they had always been, then Halbera came, she was born in the night while her father was away inspecting new squires. The midwife helped deliver Halbera, and a smiling new mom held the child in her arms red fuzz soft across the newborn’s head. Then something went wrong. Halbera’s mother in pain, her body bleeding still and the midwife took her as healers came to the house and tried to save Halbera’s mom, but it was too late she had passed. Halbera’s father Kukrin could not bring himself to love his new daughter, instead he loathed her for what he had done to his live, and spent as much time away from her as possible leaving her in the care of a nanny, or tutors of whatever Halbera’s wished to learn. Wanting to impress her father and earn his love, she invested much of her time in studying the art of Swordsmanship, and reading. She ended up studying many books about body language, and the arts of lyings, as well as books on detecting abnormalities. This gave her a unique perception to small subtle gestures and helped her see things when others wouldn’t. When she became of age to become a page of the Ebon Knights, she did so without hestitation having not seen her father in over a year. She spent her teen years moving from page to squire, then after her time as a squire and showing her quite impressive capabilities she became a knight. On the day of achieving knighthood she finally saw her father again for the first time since before she had joined the Ebon Knight order. He gave her only a cold glance before stating that [i]’The recruits were acceptable[/i] and moved on. No words were passed to her and she decided in her mind that she would rise through the ranks and take his position and prove to him she was worthy. The years went by, she fulfilled her duty as a Knight, and with her natural inclination towards investigation she was placed within a Brigade with a focus on investigations that were more pressing than average. She worked diligently to prove herself constantly in her position, but found that her accomplishments were either stolen or swept away by their Lieutenant who sought the glory for himself. Growing tired of this Halbera eventually became fed up enough with the Lieutenant’s outright betrayals and challenged him to a duel for his position. The fight lasted roughly ten minutes, before Halbera gained the upper hand. Her sword swung true and cut through the flesh of the Lieutenant’s throat sending him down in a spray of blood, her position becoming guaranteed as she took once more step closer to facing her father. In the years after this confrontation she continued to bring her Brigade honor and accolades as they accomplished tasks set before them, though she lost several knights along the way as she always made sure the missions were accomplished. She however did not just throw away the lives of those under her, they were always with purpose as they gave their lives in the line of duty fulfilling deeds necessary to the survival of the order, thus she felt was the purpose of all knights. When magic returned to the world, she found herself, seeing, hearing, and noticing things without meaning to. She found that she was using some kind of power that helped in her investigations and secretly honed it. When she reported this discovery to her superiors they issued an order for her to become a part of the newly created Mage unit. A changing in her brigade came about as she received Knights capable of using magical powers under her command. [b]Skills:[/b] Weapon one handed broadsword (20+30 Racial Bonus=50) Clairvoyance (10) Investigation (10) Riding (horse) (10) Running (10) Endurance (10) Leadership (10) Law (5) Calligraphy (5) [b]Possessions:[/b] Ebon Steel Broadsword* On loan Ebon Steel Vambraces* On Loan Ebon Steel Pauldrons* On Loan Ebon Steel Greaves* On loan Ebon Steel Cuisses* On Loan Ebon Steel Chainmail Shirt* On Loan Light Warhorse* On Loan x10 Peasant Outfit Wool (10 Gold) 2 Cold weather outfits (16 Gold) Lantern Bullseye (12 Gold) 10x Vial of Ink (8 Gold) 10x Ink Pens (1 Gold) 2x Guard Dog Mephistoles Azazel (50 Gold) [hider=Dog Type][img]http://d21vu35cjx7sd4.cloudfront.net/dims3/MMAH/crop/0x0%2B0%2B0/resize/645x380/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fs3.amazonaws.com%2Fassets.prod.vetstreet.com%2F44%2Fd7a8409e9311e0a2380050568d634f%2Ffile%2FBull-Mastiff-2-645mk062111.jpg[/img][/hider] Blank Book (2 Gold) x20 Blank Parchment (2 Gold) Lock Good (80 Gold) [b]Ledger:[/b] 100 GP(starting)+100GP-165GP= 35GP [b]Story List:[/b]