[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mq3ylMP.jpg[/img] [/center] The Bronze Rail was an exclusive restaurant, nestled within the rusted expanse of the Chaerina Somabra railway station, which had been decommissioned after the Great Fire of 1985 engulfed it, along with the rest of what was now known as the “Burned Block”. Nyxvira Bloodbloom sat in her favorite leather chair, spilling over its sides, as she sucked down a forkful of creamy spaghetti carbonara. Dressed in a frilly white top which rode up over her huge stomach, and pin-striped blue and red shorts which were tightly stretched over her thick thighs , Nyxie was thoroughly enjoy one of her favorite meals in one of her favorite restaurants, whilst a hook-nosed goblin pressed a Samsung Galaxy to her left ear. “Miss Bloodbloom, please..!” the voice at the other end crackled. “What else is there to discuss, Mister Carson?” Nyxvira’s voice was sweet, yet icy. It rose from the back of her throat, soft and smooth, before washing out into the world around her. “I beg of you, miss,” the voice pleaded “just indulge me.” “I’m a busy woman, Mister Carson.” Nyxvira stated bluntly, whilst trying to throw a complimentary mint into her empty glass “You have one more minute of my time.” “I understand that you have a reputation to maintain, I really do!” the voice babbled frantically “but we can’t afford to cut any more corners here! These are people’s homes that we’re talking about! If I’m to make this payment, I won’t be able to guarantee my customers safe homes!” “You -WILL- guarantee your customers safe homes,” the Faerie snapped “and you -WILL- make this payment, in full. The quality of the houses is of no consequence to me. You’re a businessman; so -LIE-.” Nyxie stabbed a piece of chicken with her fork, savouring the taste as she gently chewed it. “Fail to supply me with the money I’m owed and things will start going [i]very[/i] wrong for you, [i]very[/i] quickly.” [b]*BEEP*[/b] the goblin hung up for her. “Grezbill,” she addressed him in a voice which held causal authority “tell the Wyrmblood to get her half-cast arse down here. I have a job for her. I don’t trust the corpse boys, anymore. They were a means to an end, and our business is concluded. I’ll tie up -THAT- loose end later, but for now….” Nyxvira reached into her shorts pocket, pulling out a smart-looking business card. “Arrange a meeting with this Cain fellow.”