[b][u]Last night[/u][/b] [color=007236]"Bloody hell, this guy talks a lot. Still, he's not actually that bad."[/color] Camryn thought. [color=007236]"Y'know, Ben, I think we could be pretty good friends. For now, though, I'm gonna go set all my stuff down and explore the school a bit. See ya later!"[/color] And with that, she left Ben's dorm room, suitcase trailing behind. ...A few seconds later, she stuck her head back through the door and said [color=007236]"Sorry about my leaving kinda abruptly. I do want to be friends with you, honestly. I just want to find other people to be friends with too. Have a nice day!"[/color]. Kinda cheesy, but oh well. She figured it'd get the message across well enough. Then she left for real, suitcase bumping along behind her. Her room turned out to be pretty nice, though the bed was a bit creaky. She tossed her suitcase down, set out an outfit for the next day - A dark blue NASA shirt, another pair of jeans, and a school uniform - and, upon flopping onto her bed belly-first, realized she was [i]incredibly[/i] tired. [color=007236]"Must've been the flight over. I've been jet lagged."[/color] She muttered groggily. Exploring the school would have to wait; right now she was utterly bushed. She crawled under the sheets and fell asleep almost immediately. [b][u]This morning[/u][/b] [color=a0410d]"EVERYBODY GET UP!!"[/color] [color=007236]"GAAGH, JESUS-"[/color] *thump* Camryn was just in the middle of an amazing dream about being aboard the ISS when some screeching asshole decided to make himself known in her room. She tumbled to the floor, sheets twisted around her. She flailed blindly as she tried to remove the sheets, yelling all the while. [color=007236]"WHO THE [i]FU-[/i] oh."[/color] As she managed to lift the comforter from her face, she realized that nobody else was in her room. She did manage to catch the intercom announcement, though. She spent a frantic few minutes trying to find her Duel Tranciever, before realizing it was still in her pocket. She changed clothes, making sure to transfer her Tranciever to her other pants, and went down to get some breakfast. [color=007236]"Let's see... bread, bread, bread, toast, jam, jelly, peanut butter, marmalade... Not a lot of choices, are there."[/color] She ended up grabbing two slices of toast, a mug of coffee (with as much sugar and cream as she could fit without it being sweet sludge), and some strawberry jam, then went to find a table to sit down at. She ended up next a girl with bright red hair. Between crunchy bites of jam-covered toast, Camryn asked her [color=007236]"So what's your name?"[/color] [@Eklispe]