[center][h1]Talron Greyjoy - Pyke[/h1][/center] The stone towers of Pyke stood defiant against the battering of the sea wind, silhouetted against the blazing light of the setting sun. Mighty waves rose and fell, crashing against the pillars of rock from which the castle sprouted. From his solar in the outermost tower of Castle Pyke, Talron Greyjoy sat listening to the songs of the sea. The howling wind, the roaring waves, it was the best kind of song. The air was cold and salty, and the dim fire crackling away in the grand stone fireplace did little to warm the room. The King of the Iron Islands stood at the head of a long oak table, upon which a large map was spread. His silver hair was tied back away from his face, and his deep brown eyes scanned furiously over the Seven Kingdoms. Talron cast his mind back to that morning, when a thrall had woken him from his sleep. She was a pretty thing, with pale blue eyes and flowing black hair. She had come from the rookery. A raven had come, bearing the sigil of House Crakehall. Lord Tyget had ambition, for that Talron could not fault the man. But to claim the Iron Throne? To do so was, in itself, suicide, but to do so with such a weak claim and bran all others as traitors and usurpers? This Lord Crakehall was either incredibly brave, or incredibly foolish. Perhaps even both. Nevertheless, Talron could not care. The Greyjoys of the Iron Islands were at war with the Starks of the North, and the petty squabbles of these Southron Lords could not interest him less. [color=fff200]"Thrall!" [/color]The heavy wooden doors creaked open and a timid young man entered the hall. "Fetch coals for the fire, and summon my brother Valorion. And be quick about it." "Yes, my King." The boy bowed deep; Talron had trained him well. "Also, your Grace, the Lord Jakkon has landed at Lordsport. He rides for Pyke as we speak, and should arrive before nightfall." [color=fff200]"Very good. When he arrives, have him sent to me. Immediately." [/color] "As you wish, your Grace." The boy turned and hurried away, his bare feet patting softly on the cold, hard stones of the floor. Talron's solar was a drab room, to be sure. Every surface was a monotonous grey, comprised of rough stones that barely tessellated. On one wall stood the massive, ornate oak doors that led to the rest of the tower, while on the opposite wall was a grand fireplace. The Greyjoy banner rested proudly on every wall, and Talron's war table stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by simple wooden chairs. Talron took his seat at the head of the table, surveying the positions of his fleets. Valorion had only recently returned to Pyke, and Jakkon had only just been recalled. Malron was still pillaging the Stony Shore, and Nalara had just been sent to rally the citizens of Cape Kraken to the Greyjoy cause. The war was going much better than Talron had anticipated. The Starks had grown too content with their power, ruling from their grand castle of Winterfell. Now, the Kraken had risen forth from the seas, ready to drown the Northmen in their own contempt. The doors opened again, and Talron craned his neck. It was his thrall, with a pot of fresh coals. He scurried over to the fire, and emptied the small black rocks onto the dying embers. He prodded at the fire until it lit up again, reinvigorated. Talron thanked the boy. He knew he didn't have to, but there was nothing to say he could not. Talron sat in silence, watching the sharp tongues of fire dance among the shadows of the solar. The moon was beginning to peak now, and Talron was still waiting. It was not long, however, before the doors flew open with a woosh and crashed into the door with a tremendous crack. [color=00aeef]"Brother."[/color] Valorion Greyjoy strode into the room. The iron boots of his armor smacked against the stone floor, and the sound resonated throughout the entire solar, drowning out the crash of the waves for an instant. Talron stood and the two men embraced. In the moonlight it would have been easy to mistake one for the other, were it not for one being dressed in plate armor and the other in simple clothes. [color=00aeef]"I apologize for making you wait. There were more... pressing matters to attend to."[/color] [color=fff200]"I understand, Valorion. It is good to see you again, brother. Please, have a seat."[/color] The pair sat at Talron's war table. [color=fff200]"Can I get you anything? Something to eat, some wine perhaps?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Fuck wine, I want ale. And meat. You've become so royal, brother. Before you were King you would never have offered wine."[/color] [color=fff200]"My new position has forced me to change, Valorion."[/color] Talron summoned his thrall, and sent for ale and fish. [color=fff200]"Jakkon should be with us shortly." [/color] [color=00aeef]"Good! It will be nice to see him again."[/color] The pair sat deep in small talk, delighted to be back in one another's company. The pair had always been close, and the more time they spent apart, the closer they seemed to become. It was not long before the thud of Jakkon's footsteps could be heard down the hall. Yet again the doors were thrown open, and the third Greyjoy brother strode in. Both Valorion and Talron stood to embrace their little brother. The serving boy arrived in the midst of the reunion, delivering ale to each of the three. Each took their seat. [color=39b54a]"Perhaps now you'd like to tell me why you've summoned me back to Pyke, brother. The Westerlands are ripe raiding grounds." [/color] [color=fff200]"Consider yourself lucky, Jakkon, you'd be treading on the toes of the self-proclaimed King Crakehall."[/color] All three laughed, and Talron explained the letter he had received. [color=00aeef]"Well, he's got balls, that's for sure."[/color] [color=fff200]"Indeed. Yet we have more important matters at hand."[/color] [color=00aeef]"The North?"[/color] [color=fff200]"The North. We are moving, Valorion. Nalara sails for Cape Kraken, and Malron still plagues the Stony Shore. Yet it is you two who will deal the first real blow."[/color] Talron directed their attention to the map sprawled out on the table. [color=39b54a]"Okay then, Talron. What's the plan?"[/color] [color=fff200]"You, Jakkon, will take your twenty ships and twenty from the Iron Fleet. Sail for Torrhen's Square and lay waste to Lord Tallhart's lands. Lead him from his castle, and slaughter them. Don't take the Castle, however. Once you have destroyed House Tallhart, return to the sea where they cannot follow, and make for the Stony Shore to group up from Malron."[/color] [color=39b54a]"Destroy House Tallhart?"[/color] [color=fff200]"Lord Stark rules such a large domain purely on the loyalty of his bannermen. When they realize that he cannot protect them, their loyalty will dissipate quickly."[/color] A large smile split accross Jakkon's face and he nodded. [color=fff200]"As for you, Valorion. Take what remains of the Iron Fleet and sail for Bear Island."[/color] Both of Talron's brothers fell silent. [color=00aeef]"Talron... House Mormont is an ancient and powerful House... are you sure this is wise?"[/color] [color=fff200]"Perhaps. Yet, when House Mormont falls, the Starks will have no choice but to rise from their Castle. The only way to retake the Island is by sea, and once we lure the Northmen into the waters, the mighty Kraken will feed the Direwolf to the Drowned God." [/color] [color=00aeef]"And if the Starks don't retaliate?"[/color] [color=fff200]"Then their bannermen's loyalty will waver. Why should they fight for a Lord that won't fight for them? And they won't. Besides. Mormont Keep is quite the prize. Our dominion will have expanded, even if only by a single island. Soon enough, the Northmen will finally rise against us. And when they do, we will be ready."[/color] [color=39b54a]"A good plan, Talron. If, of course it works."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Of course it will work. We are Ironborn, brother. No Northman can hope to match us. The North will fall, and we will rise to claim it."[/color] [color=fff200]"Indeed we will, brothers. Jakkon, Valorion, you strike out as two tentacles of the mighty Kraken. Ensure the job is done."[/color] The three brothers stood, and Jakkon and Valorion left the solar side by side, set to ready their fleets at first light. The name 'Greyjoy' would once again be feared throughout Westeros. In time, none would be able to resist the might of the Kraken.