Leander lazily opened his eyes when the loud announcement came through. He was used to loud announcements from his family to wake up, and although this one was much louder than his family, he didn't mind it too much. Flipping over onto his stomach and crawling on his bed over to his deck, he picked up the D-ceiver to look at the time. [color=fff79a]Too early[/color], Leander thought as he pushed away the sheets and got up from the bed. Yawning loudly, he went to the sink to get ready for the day. Leander put on one of the Light blazers above his black-and-blue pajamas, placed the D-ceiver into a pocket, and went outside, still half-asleep. He began to make his way to the cafeteria to get some much-needed breakfast. Leander hoped that there would be something good. Leander then spotted someone, and decided to make his first friend here (or at least try to). "[color=fff79a]Hi![/color]" Leander said to Shinrei with a goofy smile on his face. "[color=fff79a]Great first day here, am I right?[/color]"