RP: Blood Act [hider=Cosima Crestbloom][color=darkseagreen]UserName:[/color] [indent]Apokalipse[/indent] [center][url=http://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Cosima%20Crestbloom&name=Maratre.ttf&size=70&style_color=8DB3A1[/img][/url][img] https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/--i9ICtj_auM/VmAZklu2V5I/AAAAAAAACS8/aHygZyPFPVA/w506-h750/FB_IMG_1448692784184.jpg[/img][/center] [color=darkseagreen]Character Name:[/color] [indent]Cosima Crestbloom[/indent] [color=darkseagreen]Age:[/color] [indent]Twenty-four[/indent] [color=darkseagreen]Mageblood Type:[/color] [indent]Clima[/indent] [color=darkseagreen]Favoured Magic Class:[/color] [indent]Aeromancy[/indent] [color=darkseagreen]Previous Magic Training:[/color] [indent]No official training[/indent] [color=darkseagreen]Race:[/color] [indent]Hybird - Naerse and Wood Elf[/indent] [center][img]http://www.clker.com/cliparts/W/F/c/t/n/M/grey-divider-no-background-hi.png[/img] [img]http://mustified.com/wp-content/themes/Mustified/images/post_images/Digital-Art-Beauties-The-Wallpaper-Girls-10.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.clker.com/cliparts/W/F/c/t/n/M/grey-divider-no-background-hi.png[/img][/center] [color=darkseagreen]Appearance:[/color] [indent]Cosima, a hybrid, was born with attributes familiar to both Wood Elves and Naerse Humans. Her skin is known for its silken qualities and milky color, pale and sickly-looking to others. Her nose is defined and small, like her elven mother, and her cheekbones high and marbled. However, her lips are shapeless and plump with a tendency to sweat, much like her human father. Her eyes are a deep, sorrowful icy blue with thick eyelashes that curve upwards. Underneath her eyes are sleepless bags, evidence of her many insomnia-ridden nights. Her ears do not have the point that most elves have, but instead are small and round compared to her face. She has the long, curling tendrils of her mother but has the dark brunette color and thickness of her father. In build, she is most like her mother, having a tall, slim build rather than the stocky squatness of her father and stands at 5’8” compared to her father’s 5’6” height. Cosima is typically seen in [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/1f/43/0a/1f430a4490216def608d6ed8baf93395.jpg]armor[/url], but when she is relaxing she likes to don simples brown breeches and silken shirts with vests. Cosima hates wearing shoes, liking the feeling of grass on her feet – as such, her feet are calloused and rough.[/indent] [color=darkseagreen]Short Bio:[/color] [indent]Cosima was always told that the love between her mother and father was beautiful. The little hybrid was always told stories about the heart wrenching passion that Fiske felt for Kasula. It was a forbidden romance as Kasula was already promised to an elven warrior and Fiske was married to an herbalist with a child on the way. However, each parent had a very different version to tell. When fiske would gather Cosima into his lap, near the fire and a dog keeping them company, he would tell her of the pure, whole some love he had for her mother. He would start the tale out simple: [indent][indent]“Once upon a time, I was in Shimmerstone, visiting from the small town I lived in. I was making a delivery for my wife, Gunborg. An elf had heard of my wife’s expertly grown herbs and wanted a delivery of Hyssop. I arrived to the city – as beautiful and breathtaking as it is today – and immediately went to the client’s house. It was small house, with flowers hung from the windows in all colors. I knocked three times – only three times – on the door before a beautiful maiden opened the door. She had gorgeous silken hair made of pure gold and skin crafted from ivory. She smiled at me, sweeping back her arm and inviting me inside. I could not help but accept her invitation and I wandered inside, dressed in nothing but greased breeches and a torn, dirtied shirt. She fixed me tea – now that I look back on that time, the tea tasted quite awful, but when she asked, I could only say it was better than my wife’s. She introduced herself to me as Kasula Brushbrooke, soon to be Kasula Guilain. I still remember the sharp sting of disappointment in my heart. Despite the knowledge that it could never happen – me being married and she engaged – I still felt a flutter in my chest when her soft, unworked fingers grazed my own calloused ones. That afternoon we talked for so long, I had almost forgotten to give her the herbs. She took the package from my hand with such grace and her palm caressed mine. She must have been embarrassed as to having forgotten as well – she began to ramble about how she was having shortness of breath. Before I left that night, I promised I’d be back again with the best of Gunborg’s herbs to cure that nasty ailment of hers. And I did. Several times, matter of fact. For years I visited her, we only talked those nights – I had meself a wife and a son, I couldn’t just very well throw that away, now could I? Still, it felt wrong to lie to Gunborg like that – and several times I had the mind to leave Shimmerstone and never come back. Kasula didn’t have need for my herbs anymore anyways and I had met her fiancé – Ruvaen, I believe his name was. He was a honorable lad, that one. Took care of Kasula as if she were a queen. But every time their wedding drew near, Kasula would postpone it. She says she wasn’t ready, but I think I knew the truth – she wasn’t willing to let me go. The night you were conceived, I had come to visit Shimmerstone to deliver some motherwort and to finally end the friendship – if you could call it that – between your mother and me. But I just couldn’t do it. The sight of her took my breath away and I ended up forsaking my family that night. Later, when we discovered she was pregnant with you, I knew I had to leave my family back at the town beyond the mountains. Ingolf cried for me to come back and Gunborg ripped up her garden in anger, throwing the shredded pieces at me. But I wouldn’t change my decision for the world. I love your mother, more than I love life itself, and if I couldn’t be with her, then I’d rather have died in the mountains. You can imagine that Ruvaen wasn’t quite happy with your mother and me, he did quite like her, but he couldn’t very well marry your mother when another man’s baby was in her belly, now could he? Living with your mother, waking up every day to see her glowing face and tasting her awful tea, being the father of you…it’s the most blessed thing that has ever happened to me, love. I wouldn’t leave you two for the world.”[/indent][/indent] Of course, Cosima’s mother had another story to tell her daughter whilst lying on the floor in black, staring into the depths of nothingness: [indent][indent]“It’s the most wretched thing I have ever done, Cosima. Our love was not magical, it was not blessed – it was a consuming poison that blinded us and tainted our hearts. Love is a dangerous thing, dear. It’s a curse placed on us, a punishment. Yes, we were happy for a time. But was it worth it? Was loving your father worth this anguish in my gut, this hatred in my heart? I should’ve married that damned elven fool while I had the chance. Never love, Cosima. In the end, you will only be dead inside. In the end, you will only be alive and miserable while he’s out there somewhere being reborn as a [i]herbalist’s husband[/i]. He never should have left her, or his son. I reckon she’s dead now, too.”[/indent][/indent] After Cosima’s father died, Kasula never left her abode in Shimmerstone. But instead wept and slept all day and all night. Her ex-fiancé, Ruvaen, eventually moved in to take care of the eight year old Cosima who did not quite understand what was happening. Perhaps out of a sense of duty to him, Kasula married him and lived her life as a shut-in seamstress. Ruvaen often entertained Cosima with tales of her father, Fiske, and his beautiful love for Kasula, but Cosima could sense his own heartache. They were never allowed to talk about him when Kasula was near and they avoided the house all together when they smelled the burning aroma of horribly brewed tea. It meant that Kasula was in an especially bad mood. Ruvaen, a warrior, taught Cosima the art of fighting. He showed her the ways of the bow and the sword, but Cosima demonstrated a predilection for maces and axes. She enjoyed throwing her whole body into the movement rather than the graceful dance that Ruvaen liked. Ruvaen became much like a father figure to Cosima and he supported Cosima in everything she did, taking care of the family despite how Kasula and Fiske had wronged him. He never had a love or a child of his own, but instead his heart yearned for the bitter and cynical Kasula who he knew was further from his reaches than ever. When Cosima was twelve, Kasula moved the family to New Sanguine, Djarkel on a whim. Ruvaen told Cosima that he believes it was hard for Kasula to live in Shimmerstone, where everything reminded her of her father. In Shimmerstone, Cosima had friends and was treated only slightly differently because of her hybrid nature. However, once she moved to Djarkel, Cosima experienced a harsher discrimination where people avoided her like she had the plague. People never outright said anything to Cosima, but it was obvious that her presence wasn’t wanted in Djarkel. Cosima eventually grew up to be a bounty huntress, tracking down criminals in order to get fees to support her mother. Ruvaen continued to watch over her and her mother, working his own odd jobs here and there. He became a collector of sorts for information. When Cosima was tracking down a murderer, she went to Ruvaen for information on her bounty. He helped her track her mark down, but was called away by Kasula who needed Ruvaen to fetch her silk to make clothes from. On her own, Cosima fought against the murderer before he held her head underwater, attempting to drown her after her weapon was knocked away. When Cosima believed she was on the verge of death, she felt energy awaken inside of her and she was able to grab a rock and beat the murderer to death with it. With her mageblood unlocked, Cosima went to Ruvaen for advice who advised her to go to the college.[/indent] [center][img]http://www.clker.com/cliparts/W/F/c/t/n/M/grey-divider-no-background-hi.png[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/69/f9/66/69f966fbbe6d2652fbaece25d045aa61.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.clker.com/cliparts/W/F/c/t/n/M/grey-divider-no-background-hi.png[/img][/center] [color=darkseagreen]Good Attributes:[/color] [indent]As a half-elf, Cosima possesses a nimble body, able to climb just about anything as well as move swiftly and quickly. Nonetheless, her ability relies in her obstinate way of fighting. When battling, she fights like a berserker, throwing everything she has at once. She batters her enemy until they give up and is proficient with maces and axes. She has a sharp sense of sight and hearing, though it is duller than full elves, and is a master tracker.[/indent] [color=darkseagreen]Bad Attributes:[/color] [indent]Conversely, when fighting, it is easy to predict Cosima’s movements and those stronger than her can quickly overpower her because of her way of fighting. She is clumsier than her brethren and tires quickly when fighting. Her opponents only need to outlast her in order to defeat her or get her away from her weapon. Cosima is horrible at travelling and has no ability on a horse, and is rather scared of them, really. She is also apt to get distracted easily.[/indent] [color=darkseagreen]Secret Word:[/color] [indent]Rebirth[/indent] [center][img]http://www.clker.com/cliparts/W/F/c/t/n/M/grey-divider-no-background-hi.png[/img] [img]http://artfiles.alphacoders.com/228/thumb-22868.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.clker.com/cliparts/W/F/c/t/n/M/grey-divider-no-background-hi.png[/img][/center] [/hider]