[quote=@bluetommy2] [@kingkonrad] That makes sense, and the books state that the Reach has the healthiest peasantry in the Seven, so that'd help. [/quote] It's a Fairytale Kingdom. It genuinely is. It doesn't get half the coverage that the Lannisters, Baratheons or Tullys do, because it's so fucking nice. You couldn't set GoT from the Reach's perspective UNLESS it had heavy amounts of King's Landing in it, because it's so fucking pleasant. This is what makes me a bit sad, because they really stick out as the best characters, a real beautiful mixture of deviance and just pure cool. I enjoy the North, with their honour, but for me, it's the Reach, if it wasn't so fucking opposed to the darkness of everything else, it would be far more interesting to see. Oh, and they have a lot of wine too. Arbor Gold is like the Carlsberg of Westeros, I could only mentally imagine :P