Hey, [@Snarl], saw the tag earlier but wanted to actually have something for ya. I have a lot of neutral personality traits, hopefully that's okay. The Bard's Son/Nature Mage [hider=Orrin] [img]http://amfashiony.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/cool1-223.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Armor] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/chroniclesofarn/images/6/69/Leather_armor_by_karehb-d466otd.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130825183900[/img][/hider] Orrin Negala/18/Male Personality: Not quite as energetic as his mother, Orrin's definitely a more subdued guy. Where his mother is fidgety, Orrin is focused, where she's a charismatic fun lover who flirts with nearly every living creature who comes into their bar, Orrin is the long-suffering son whose most common expression is a hand to the forehead at whatever his mother's doing. When away from his mother, however, her genetics show through a lot more--far from being the straight man among his friends, Orrin's something of a bad influence, always wanting to try something new or do something that might seem crazy just for the sake of seeing what will happen. His madness is somewhat methodical though: if he thinks whatever he's going to do might have far too much risk for those he cares for, he won't do it. He's never known his father, replacing the missing male influence with time outside, to himself, alone with nature and the wild. As a consequence he has his own idea of how he should act and behave, blending his mother's energy with meditative thought. Bio: Orrin's never been quite sure exactly [i]how[/i] he was conceived: his mother might be a tremendous flirt, but she isn't stupid enough to one-night-stand it with a bar patron. His personal theory is that she just wanted a kid to [s]torture[/s]keep her company and help run the bar and probably found some old friend to give her a baby. At any rate, his life has been one of transience, the only constants his mother and their inn. He associates some with those around the village, but has few people he considers true friends. His life's been too busy, the bar demanding a lot of his time. Instead, he's been the willing ear for numerous tales of daring-do from countless passers through, listening to his mother's friends talk and talk about their latest adventures. As he got older and started to spend all of his free time in the woods, he began to have his own stories to share, though they were never quite as grand nor as awe inspiring as those he heard--and were more often than not interrupted by his mother throwing a ladle at him and telling him to hurry up. So, you know, she could flirt with the customers. To be honest, he can't see his life changing much from this. The revelation of his newfound magic brought in more customers, but didn't change much else. He'd love to explore the world, but who knows what the future might bring. Weapon: A simple wooden quarterstaff, capped at either end with steel serves as the focus for Orrin's abilities. He's rather adept with it too, capable of using it as a viable combat implement if need be. Skills: Nature/Offensive Magic: Orrin's familiarity with the wilds and his mother's naffinity for magic have granted him power over the natural world around him. His spells vary from causing vines and other plantlife to grow on command, to channeling lightning through his staff to strike his enemies. He isn't terribly good with more aggressive spells, however--his expertise is with spells that let him channel the attributes of animals, getting the strength of a bear or the grace of an eagle. Music of the Soul: Probably the greatest gift his mother gave to him, Orrin can also use a violin to channel his innate magic. He cannot use this ability to control nature, instead using it to invigorate the souls of his friends and incite them to greater heroism. His music is limited to those he knows well, or he cannot make it personal enough to empower them. Staff Mastery: Orrin has used and trained with his staff for long enough that he's adept at using it both for utilitarian purposes and combat. King of the Cooks: Since his mother refuses to let "the man put her down", most of the cooking done at their bar is done by Orrin. He's a master of whipping meals up with few ingredients and smaller amoounts of time, though he attributes most of his success to his innate understanding of the nature behind what he's using and not to his own skill. I Can Read You Like a Book: While he's not got as much experience as his mother does, Orrin has dealt with enough people that he can read their motivations somewhat more than the ordinary individual. Other: Not much I can think of.