[quote=@CallMeChaotix] [@The Kid Lantern] I like you take on Garfield, who is he now, Gar-El? (I'm joking.) Now I want to try to alternate Kid Flash somehow, because that would be cool. What if Wally was a clone of Barry, and was named Wally Allen. But that probably would not work, I do want to alternate him somehow too, since that seems cool to do. [/quote] It's still Garfield Logan, it's just instead of getting bitten by a green monkey in the congo he was in Superman's Fortress with his folks and was attacked by alien wildlife instead. I changed BB and made him Superbeast to go at the character and power set from a different angle, the only thing I've ever seen done with Wally we could mimic in the game would come down the line like the other things we discussed. But we COULD switch it up if you want later on if it's something you're set on doing. Shoot me a PM and I'll tell you more... ~KL~