Cameron had asked the question expecting some sort of monologue on the joys and tragedies of being a sibling, but was pleasantly surprised by Izzy's nearly-monotoned and unexcited response. He hadn't even mentioned the sister by name, apparently didn't like her, and wasn't making eye contact. As far as Cameron bothered to care, all of that was perfect. [color=6ecff6]What about you? You seem like you'd fit the "big sister" bill."[/color] Cameron wondered how she had given off that impression. [i]Maybe I'm similar to the mystery sister. I guess it doesn't matter, though.[/i] She hadn't decided whether she was going to be honest with this kid - er, her roommate - about her life before asking the question, and now she was feeling a little stumped. However, at the last second, she decided it would be better to not start of with a lot of things she'd have to remember. [color=bc8dbf]"You think so? I've got an older brother, and there are some younger ones, too. Big family."[/color] In Johto, it seemed like most families had three children at the most, and her parents' hearty crew had never quite fit in among other families, and being in the Elm family hadn't helped matters. Things might be different in other regions, but Cameron hadn't been particularly interested in family dynamics during her travels. Actually, if her travels hadn't been forced to an unpleasant halt, she probably would have never seen her family again. There had been one benefit to returning home: she met her youngest brother for the first time. He was four, and the person in her family she related to the best at this point. That was actually kind of a depressing thought. It was definitely time to change the subject. This whole 'getting to know people' thing had become less and less comfortable for Cameron with each passing year, and family was definitely not a helpful topic. [color=bc8dbf]"So, uh, I heard there are clubs here? Are you gonna join any?"[/color]