The rest of class dragged on, gray-blue eyes distant and hazy as Rayne rose to her feet and made for her next class. The hand that fell on her shoulder stilled her just as she turned to head up the stairs to the roof, half-turning she found two boys and a girl standing behind her. Pain flared up her shoulder as the fingers holding it tightened, her stomach rolled and after taking a deep breath, she took off running. A frantic urge to get away, to hide, to be far away from the three that were chasing her. This was a fear she'd never felt before, her shoulder stung from where she'd been held, glancing down as she ran she noticed that red was slowly coloring her gray shift. Forcing herself to keep moving even as she passed the Nurse's office, Rayne skidded around a corner and yelped when a large hand shoved against her side. Hissing when her back hit the wall, she rose and blinked the black spots from her vision, her stomach rolling unpleasantly as she focused on the male before her. H He was a transfer student along with the other two she'd seen before she'd taken off, he couldn't recall from where but that they were parole for something or other. "What do you want?" She asked warily as she rose to her feet, his head tilted to the side and a grin began to spread across his lips. His blonde hair swayed as he shook his head and his pale fingers twitched at his sides as he took another step forward. Rayne grit her teeth and shifted her weight from one foot to another, her side was matching the burning that still radiated from her shoulder. "Nothung really. Just to...verify something." His voice was sort and smooth, an accent clear as his words filled Rayne's ears, eyes scanning the empty halls she silently debates her options. When the boy moved another step closer, Rayne took her chance and ducked under him, dodging his grabbing fingers and taking off down the hall once more. His touch burned her skin, rounding amother corner, her booted feet guided her up a flight of stairs and towards the library. Glancing back and nearly coming to a halt at the fact that no one was behind her, she turned forward and nearly slammed into him. Skidding and missing his hands, she enters the library and is glad that the Librarian is away on leave for her new baby's recent birth. She stops behind a row of books and glancea down, her lips thinning as a hiss escapes into the air, her chest heaving with shallow breathes. Her side is sliced open and her shoulder was openly bleeding, after lifting her shirt, she finds another deep cut matching the one on her side. She slide down the shelf and winces when both cuts protest and a wave of nausea hits her stomach, the cuts were deep though not life threatening. She focused on regulating her breathing, her head falling to rest against the books as her ears strain to hear for footsteps. [@SomeoneSomewere]