[quote=@PyroDash888] Another very interesting historical fact: Canada has never been defeated in war, if you don't count the seven year war, because, that's when the British took over and actually called it Canada. Edit: I don't know if you can count the Korean War... [/quote] Canada is literally right above the U.S. and yet the only thing I know about its history is: A. The War of 1812 began because we wanted to "help" Canada gain its independence when, at the time, they didn't want to be independent. And B. They were a part of the Allied forces during WWII. Actually, that makes me wonder what the differences are between learning about WWII in the Allied nations compared to the Axis nations. Like, here in America we seem to love to brag about how great we were and usually spend months learning about the war, but how long do schools in Germany, Italy, and Japan spend on the topic? I'd imagine it wouldn't be something any educator would enjoy discussing and would probably be glossed over like schools do here when talking about thopics like the eugenics movement, but at the same time it was a pretty large and far-reaching event. And do they have different names for the factions? Pyro, do you mind sating my curiosity?