Well you will have already received tygets claim like the rest, however to the Warden of the north it would contain a little extra on the end [hider=Lord RIckard Stark, Warden of the north] (Tygets letter to all the lords claiming the Iron Throne) [i]"Lord Rickard Stark, Warden and Lord Paramount of the North, Lord Rickard Stark, I understand that you are a careful man, and that you trust few people. I understand I must be particularly hard to put any stock in, with the history the Wardens of North and West have had. But know you and I have more in common than you may believe, but one distinction I find particularly interesting. You and I both want the Ironmen dead. They raid the Westerlands, have burned Lanniaport to the ground more than once and continue to raid your lands. So, in the interest of both our houses, I propose an arrangement. I ask you not to send men, I understand even if I asked you would not. I wish only for a single declaration Lord Stark, to the Kingdoms but especially to the VAle and the Riverlands. Support my claim, write that you believe that in the absence of Targaryen heirs that I am King. Do this, and I will rise up from the Westerlands and together we can crush the plauge that call themselves 'Iron-born'. I swear before the Old gods and the New, I King Tyget Crakehall will remedy this plauge with the help of the Great wolf of the north. Let the boar gore the craken, and the wolf bite off its head. King Tyget Crakehall, Lord of the seven Kingdoms[/i] [/hider]