"Yeah, but no pressure, right?" Exhaling, Virgil knew he wasn't quite mentally prepared: he'd never really worked with a team this large. Rolling his head over his shoulders and cracking his neck, he reached into the black and yellow coat open over his shoulders, whipping out a stack of metal, which quickly became encased in a glow of electricity. As it unfolded, Static hopped on, his saucer bobbing as he adjusted his power to his weight: a trivial task at this point. Floating up, Static noted, "Time to see what's up with this 'Braniac'. Most of my rogues can't even pass algebra!" Floating over by Superbeast, taking a moment to admire the extinct form he was taking, Static couldn't help but note the team makeups, pointing out, "I think you're on the wrong side for that: the other team is like a no fly zone!" Then again, Virgil wasn't exactly the most acquainted with the League's various heroes. He wasn't one of those weirdoes who creeped around on superhero fansites...except his own sometimes, though never for long. Sorry 'staticslover09', but your love will forever go unrequited.