It's very difficult to tell. He's an actual Kingsguard, but he isn't their best. He's not their worst, he's middle of the field. He could have a good fight with them, it would be hard to tell, many, many factors come to play. Worry him with their fighting, you say on Daenys...he tortures the fuck out of people! If you wished to make Daenys as sick as Ramsay Bolton, you are coming fucking close to the mark, everything about him now he's been written on just screams that he is fucking insane. We have already chatted...well, hey, it might be a possibility, but what a way to go, right?! I don't want to spoil what me and Kingfisher have chatted about, but let's just say at the most, Garland is going to have a hangover. And yeah, it would be a big hinderance. Remember though, it's a big Kingdom too, the Reach. 100 men will do only so much damage, and remember, the full force isn't deploying. If it were, then definitely. But almost 15,000 men would stay in reserve, and guerilla war is difficult, especially considering just how bloody far the Reach is from The North. Would the North want to risk that kind of war, for not actually that much gain? And if so, what are they going to get back from the Westermen? The Riverlands are neutral, and the possibilities have a depth in their field.