Hayato has already woken up an as he had set his alarm clock to be set earlier than anyone else would've woken up so nobody would be roaming the halls when he needs to go somewhere but sadly his peaceful roam was interrupted by a loud "[b]EVERYBODY WAKE UP[/b]" by that obnoxious announcer back during the placement duels, but he didn't really care too much and rather than looking for food he decided to let himself get familiar with the place he would call home for a while. it was certainly different compared to his home with hallways going everywhere as he was exploring the Academy he had noticed the crowd started to grow as time went on, people did ask him why he didn't go to the cafeteria but ignored them and started looking for the class rooms instead he wasn't hungry anyways, before he knew it he arrived at the classrooms while waiting in the classroom he noticed the students flowing in one by one, he was wondering if he should respect the request and talk to Shinrei's sister and try to be her friend, Hayato really didnt have anyting better to do and tried his hand at Paper-craft himself he got some paper from his sister before he got here and as he started working he noticed the time fly by before he knew it he saw everyone rush into the classroom one of them being Tsukiko and instantly got up from his seat still holding a very crude made paper-craft representing a bird [color=00aeef]"good morning Tsukiko, had a good night sleep?"[/color] Hayato said and attempted to talk about how boring the earth dorms were but was awkwardly interrupted by the grumbling of his stomach [b]EVERYBODY WAKE UP![/b] The speakers roared through the building but sadly the normally easy to wake up Hayate was unfazed by the loud sound and kept on sleeping on her which was filled with multiple finished paper-crafts one of which he was planning to give her neighbor to celebrate their new friendship, people would think someone would have a nice dream to sleep through those loud speakers but what went down in her sleep was way worse for her than anyone would imagine, [hider=Hayate's Dream] [i][color=00aeef]"Hayato! don't go! i don't want to be alone"[/color][/i] Hayate screamed at her brother who didn't even look back at her, [i]"It's pointless Hayate... nobody will ever be your friend... not if you keep acting like there is nothing wrong with you[/i] A mysterious voice spoke to her in her dream... whom in response in turn yelled at the voice [i][color=00aeef]"That's not true, there are others who i can rely on"[/color][/i] A shadow appeared in front of her, it was someone who represented Shinrei [i]"Are you going to rely on people who don't even care a single bit about you? don't make me laugh!"[/i] The shadow spoke as if he was in charge of everything taunting Hayate in every way possible as more shadows show up representing different people she already met in the academy as time went on until Hayate finally woke up from the nightmare that haunted her [/hider] Hayate Screamed as she woke up from her desk and looked at the time and realized it was already too late for Hayate to get food and quickly put on her clothes equipped her disk and grabbed her deck and ran towards where she heard was the classroom not even taking the time of fixing her hair which made her look like she didn't sleep and ran into someone who also appeared to be running late