Sarah felt odd. Peaceful actually. She just lay there, looking at nothing in particular. Her skin was growing colder and colder. The pool of blood looking quite pretty in the moonlight. Sarah was Osbanian, the only thing that mattered to her was the collective, the goal of the collective and the leader of the collective. Her life paled in comparison to it and to distract her CO or anyone else from that objective was tantamount to treason. "[b]I [/b][i]urgh[/i][b]....don't ..think so...[/b]", she commed in reply to Marlene as she caught a glimpse of Cecilias frame, the lassie was now coughing quite a large amount of whatever blood she had left. When she saw her she simply gave a weak smile to her commander. Her teeth were now a blood stained white. "[b]It..w.s fun...right?[/b]", a tear left her eye as she witnessed the fear in her commanders eyes. The poor girl could barely flinch as the biofoam began expanding within her, whimpering softly. Trying to grip something, anything. This was definitely a new kind of pain. Sarah had been instructed on what it was and how to use it but the Osbanian military had nothing like it. It wasn't deemed important enough. She simply smiled once more, trying to keep her eyes open. Least she could do was follow orders, for once in her life. When Cecilia punctured her vein she would be able to note how cold she was. She was definitely right, if she didn't get the blood now. Then there would be no point wasting it. By the time the medical team got to her she was finding it difficult to keep her eyes open. It was surprising to her too, all that energy and where in gods name had it gone? Absolutely nowhere. It was all going to keep those eyes open. If she thought that the biofoam was painful, that was nothing in comparison to being lifted onto the stretcher that was a hell even the painkillers couldn't stop. It was a very strange sensation. Like being weightless after being injected with those painkillers. Her head rolling to the side to see Richard standing next to Cecilia and managed to raise her hand a little to wave before things faded to black. Just as the explosion abused her senses. It was too late for her to be able to consciously think about it. She had already been attached to every machine someone needed for life support. So she was simply able to drift off into unconsciousness. It was quite the long operation, caused by the massive internal bleeding, the punctured kidney and intestine. And it had badly bruised her spinal chord. The biofoam though having stopped the immediate threat posed yet another. They couldn't remove the shrapnel as they needed to be able to stop the bloodloss first. Yet the biofoam was stopping the bleeding. It was a bit of a catch twenty-two but they pulled her through the long surgery. The dreams. They were horrendous, well, they always were. Sarah's dreams were far from that, they were night terrors. Repeats of the invasive procedures she went under and ruthless tests. All the more exaggerated by the fear and adrenaline they brought with them. The scars of her childhood never left her, literally as well as figuratively. That kind of pain would never leave anyone, having your eyes being gouged out while fully concious. Having pain signals blocked meant nothing, in order for them to fully understant what they were doing they needed the feedback. Thusly, they, as well as her father had no problem in allowing her to experience it in vivid detail, those damned implants didn't help either. They stored her memories perfectly. She could remember the colour of the doctors eyes. The feeling of the clamps on her skin. The pain she felt when they first weened her from the medication, the blinding light of calibration. The burning of the leakage, which caused the fractal burning pattern circling her eyes. All of these supposed memories were her dreams. Locked in by the fear of having to return to her home country. There is little they wouldn't do to such a traitor. “[i]Ugghh...[/i]”, she blinked waking up in a bit of a haze. In a white room, with white sheets, everything was white. It was blinding, she looked to the side and then down. Feeling down her side to the impressive bandage wrapped around her waist. God her head was killing her. She looked up to see she still had a drip in her arm, what was it... She wanted to say something but was so out of it she didn't know if there was anyone to hear her. “[b]KILL THE FUCKERS![/b]”, Ah, back to normal then. She instantly sprung from the bed and... collapsed in a heap in a whole bunch of pain. If no one had heard her before then it was assured now. Every expletive in the young girls mind was being poured out of her mouth. “[b]BASTARDS![/b]”, she almost screamed as she realized just how fragile she was. What about Mr. Bubbles. He had to be alright, he was only scratched, it wasn't like he was obliterated. She had to get back in the fight, she had heard an explosion after the all clear was sounded. If she could just get into her FRAME she wouldn't have to care about anything else now would she. Sarah had of course, neglected to realise that almost a month had passed. She had been in an induced coma to allow her body to heal to a somewhat reasonable degree. It wasn't like you could just bounce back from something like that and be completely fine.