Shinrei was secluded from everyone trying to mind his own business like he usually did. One thing he didn't particularly care about was getting involved with other people since the fact that part of him never seemed to change. He was leaning up against one of the walls in the hallway right near his classroom contemplating the events of yesterday only to have some person he knew he wouldn't like judging by their expression interrupt him. He decided to turn his attention toward the person, but his face froze into a state which he wasn't very pleased someone would be bothering him. [b]"Hi!"[/b] Leander said to Shinrei with a goofy smile on his face. [b]"Great first day here, am I right?"[/b] Shinrei closed his eyes wanting to forget what he had just heard. He also wanted to ignore the person acting like they weren't there, but most likely judging by this person's aura they would continue to bother him until he acknowledged them. [b]"If you say so."[/b] He started with as he turned his cold eyes which gazed on Leander. He didn't really care much about what he said though he would at least try to inquire what this hindrance toward his thought process wanted without getting too engaged. [b]"Is there something you want from me?"[/b] Shinrei questioned in a tone that gave a hint of fragrance that it didn't want to be bothered. [i]Bothersome... I should at least find out what they want so in the future I can make arrangements toward getting this person to leave me alone...[/i] He thought to himself as he tried to think about why he had that flashback he did last night and why was it in front of Hayato of all people? He didn't speak anymore than he had to and he answered Leander with a simple answer. [i]Such a primitive person had to be satisfied that I agreed with them, right? I have no interest in dependencies such as friends. It's for the suckers who always want something to weigh them down. All I need is my resolve and to focus on the promise I made toward my sister. Everything else is irrelevant.[/i] [b]"Good morning Tsukiko, had a good night sleep?"[/b] Hayato said and attempted to talk about how boring the earth dorms were but was awkwardly interrupted by the grumbling of his stomach. When Tsukiko heard the [i]'good morning'[/i] part she was about to politely reply, but when Hayato added [i]"had a good night sleep"[/i] is when it hit and that is what shifted her eyes into a cold stare. She had to get up very early in the morning to avoid people from seeing her naked when she got in the shower. It was so annoying since there was always that chance some idiot might wake up as early as she did and end up seeing her where she would immediately punch them out. Luckily for anyone that had shown up at that time she had put her swimsuit on after she got out of the shower before she unlocked the door that way she could at least cover up the private parts of her body that she didn't want anyone to see. [b]"No, I had a terrible morning. Don't ask about it either, because I don't really want to talk about it."[/b] She complained as she drew her fist back and smacked it forward into the wall. She held back but she put a little too much force into her punch as it left a little imprint in the wall. Again she said, [b]"Oops... Put too much into that one."[/b] She laughed carelessly as she wasn't trying to damage the wall. [b]"You're in the Earth Dorm which is the same as me and I remember seeing you earlier the day before, but never got a chance to catch your name. I am Tsukiko Ikushirou identical twin sister of Shinrei Ikushirou. I look forward to us getting along and please forget about what I just did a moment ago. Call it a burst of anger from my frustration I went through awhile ago. It's nothing you need concern yourself with."[/b] She apologized for her rude behavior of her just going off like a loose cannon a moment ago. She felt a sensation in her body where she pulled her deck out because she wanted to take a look at it. She sorted through it to notice three cards she came across that she had seen before. These cards were all of the same monster which was titled[i] Void Dragon[/i]. [i]LV 6 Dark Machine Type[/i] with quite an effect. Judging by the casing on the card it was pretty rare. Though she couldn't help but think that the card gave her the impression that she had seen it before. A memory flashed in her mind where a boy showed her that same card. But she couldn't remember who it was. [b]"Why does this card look so familiar?"[/b] Tsukiko questioned as she pulled the three cards out of her deck and closely examined them in the light. [b]"Have you ever seen these before?"[/b] She questioned toward Hayato hoping he might be able to give her an answer to why she felt so strange when she came into contact with them. It was a monster engulfed in both black and purple darkness which somewhat looked like [i]Cyber Dragon[/i], but it was a bit larger. The dragon had eyes that were a very ominous red color and wings that were as dark as a raven. It also looked like it was trying to eat its tail.