Leander beamed with delight to find Shinrei talking back, seemingly oblivious about Shinrei's coldness towards him. Step 1 of his friendship-making plan was a resounding success. Next was to execute step 2: invite them somewhere to have fun. Leander could picture it in his head... [hider=Epic plan of friendship-making epicness] "Let's go get breakfast! I hear it's [i]goooood[/i]," Leander said. Shinrei would also be glowing with a happy aura, possibly even crying with happiness, as he replied, "Of course! I'd be happy to!" Together the two would be walking to the cafeteria to get some glorious food, talking about various exciting things along the way, and the two would soon become the best of friends. [/hider] Back to reality however... "[b]Is there something you want from me?[/b]" Shinrei asked coldly, which Leander was all too happy to respond to. [i]This is my chance,[/i]" Leander thought. Out loud, Leander replied, "Yup! Let's go get breakfast! I hear it's [i]goooood[/i]." Admittedly, Leander had no idea whether the last part was true or not, but there was no need to tell Shinrei that. All that mattered was that Shinrei said yes.