Ben was somewhat unsurprising to see the frenchman again after the other day. While he hadn't been expecting him he had certainly been wondering when the dude would come back to see him. Though it did seem like it was a bit too soon I mean he had probably just woken up and Ben was still sweaty from his workout though most of it had gone away by now. [color=fff200]"Yo yo yo what's up my man? You know you can just say hi Zach you don't need to open up with a fancy opening around me."[/color] Ben stated as Henry stared up at him with an eye raised, [b]"Ey' I remember this dude he's a new guy just like us right? He ran into you the other day didn't he?"[/b] Henry asked as Ben explained he was also a member of their little posse as of the day before and that he was alright in his book. Besides they could never have too many friends. [color=fff200]"Don't worry about the other night compandre. Mistakes happen I'm sure you and I didn't mean to make a mess."[/color] Ben said waving the whole thing off with a shrug as if nothing really happened. When Zach asked about some guy named Vincent he considered the name and while he knew a Vincent it wasn't the one from his dorm. [color=fff200]"Sorry dude no dice."[/color] Ben said as Marie Ann spoke up shyly, [b]"There-There's already rumors going around about a guy looking into girl's rooms at night while they sleep. They say that Vincent guy is a perv apparently so maybe it's him?"[/b] Marie Ann said unsure about if what she said was right or not but Ben considered it for a moment. If what she said was true that was a problem. [color=fff200]"Give it a couple nights I'm sure some of the girls are just spreading rumors to punk the new kids it's nothing special. As for that coffee...nah I prefer Milk or Water. Strong bones and basic hydration is the way to go boss. Coffee doesn't go together well after a workout. I just took a couple laps around the school grounds so I'll just take whatever one of those."[/color]