[b][@axleonex][/b] [b][color=9e0b0f]"Can you tell me where Jack is at this moment so that I can decide what to take? Hmmm.... my quill is dry. Could you please open this vial for me?" Magicka asked as she laid the quill on the notebook and take out the vial which she handed to Elsa.[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef] "I am so confused, Tarzan....Why do you have to have that mask on or the chains if you are going to help them with whatever it is? It doesn't seem quite right in my mind. But as a favor to you I will tell only Mulan what you said. Could you tell me about this teacher by the name of Gaston? He put his arm around me and it felt..... so bad. another teacher came by and took him away." Juliett explained. [/color][/b]